Moore fsm VHDL Testbench

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down vote


Hello i got this FSM.

enter image description here

I wrote the VHDL code :

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity fsm is
clk, reset : in std_logic;
level : in std_logic;
Moore_tick: out std_logic
end fsm;

architecture rtl of fsm is

type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2, s3); -- 3 states are required
signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type;

process(clk, reset)
if (reset = '1') then -- go to state zero if reset
stateFsm_reg <= s1;
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then -- otherwise update the states
stateFsm_reg <= stateFsm_next;
end if;
end process;

process(stateFsm_reg, level)
-- store current state as next
stateFsm_next <= stateFsm_reg; -- required: when no case statement is satisfied

Moore_tick <= '0'; -- set tick to zero (so that 'tick = 1' is available for 1 cycle only)
case stateFsm_reg is
when s1 => -- if state is zero,
if level = '1' then -- and level is 1
stateFsm_next <= s2; -- then go to state edge.
end if;
when s2 =>
Moore_tick <= '1'; -- set the tick to 1.
if level = '1' then -- if level is 1,
stateFsm_next <= s3; --go to state one,
stateFsm_next <= s1; -- else go to state zero.
end if;
when s3 =>
if level = '0' then -- if level is 0,
stateFsm_next <= s1; -- then go to state zero.
end if;
end case;
end process;
end rtl;

So i compiled the code without errors. Currently i am trying to create a testbench so to be able to get the visuals so to be sure that it is workign correctly.
This is the code that i wrote for the testbench.

[![library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity fsm_tb is
end fsm_tb;

architecture fsm_arch_tb of fsm_tb is
component fsm is
clk, reset : in std_logic;
level : in std_logic;
Moore_tick: out std_logic
end component;

signal clk: std_logic :='1';
signal reset: std_logic :='0';
signal level: std_logic :='0';
signal Moore_tick: std_logic ;
type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2 , s3 ); -- 3 states are required
signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type ;

constant clk_period : time := 1 ns;


cnt_inst : fsm
port map (
clk, reset, level, Moore_tick

clk_gen: process is
clk <= '1';
wait for clk_period/2; --for 5 ns signal is '0'.
clk <= '0';
wait for clk_period/2; --for next 5 ns signal is '1'.
end process clk_gen;

trig: process is

wait for clk_period;
level<= '1';
wait for clk_period;
reset <= '0' ;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
reset <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
reset <= '0' ;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;

end process trig;

end architecture fsm_arch_tb;

But i am stuck on the last process.
I am trying to implement the trig process so to be able to see all the transitions on waveforms

enter image description here

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  • So far you don't appear to be asking a question and are simply stating you are stuck. What's got you stuck? Note that Moore_tick is an output from fsm and assigning it in the testbench creates a second driver where the value of the signal will the resolution of the two drivers.
    – user1155120
    2 days ago

  • Testing all the branches in your state machine can be done by manipulating reset and level and not driving Moore_tick.
    – user1155120
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote


Hello i got this FSM.

enter image description here

I wrote the VHDL code :

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity fsm is
clk, reset : in std_logic;
level : in std_logic;
Moore_tick: out std_logic
end fsm;

architecture rtl of fsm is

type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2, s3); -- 3 states are required
signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type;

process(clk, reset)
if (reset = '1') then -- go to state zero if reset
stateFsm_reg <= s1;
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then -- otherwise update the states
stateFsm_reg <= stateFsm_next;
end if;
end process;

process(stateFsm_reg, level)
-- store current state as next
stateFsm_next <= stateFsm_reg; -- required: when no case statement is satisfied

Moore_tick <= '0'; -- set tick to zero (so that 'tick = 1' is available for 1 cycle only)
case stateFsm_reg is
when s1 => -- if state is zero,
if level = '1' then -- and level is 1
stateFsm_next <= s2; -- then go to state edge.
end if;
when s2 =>
Moore_tick <= '1'; -- set the tick to 1.
if level = '1' then -- if level is 1,
stateFsm_next <= s3; --go to state one,
stateFsm_next <= s1; -- else go to state zero.
end if;
when s3 =>
if level = '0' then -- if level is 0,
stateFsm_next <= s1; -- then go to state zero.
end if;
end case;
end process;
end rtl;

So i compiled the code without errors. Currently i am trying to create a testbench so to be able to get the visuals so to be sure that it is workign correctly.
This is the code that i wrote for the testbench.

[![library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity fsm_tb is
end fsm_tb;

architecture fsm_arch_tb of fsm_tb is
component fsm is
clk, reset : in std_logic;
level : in std_logic;
Moore_tick: out std_logic
end component;

signal clk: std_logic :='1';
signal reset: std_logic :='0';
signal level: std_logic :='0';
signal Moore_tick: std_logic ;
type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2 , s3 ); -- 3 states are required
signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type ;

constant clk_period : time := 1 ns;


cnt_inst : fsm
port map (
clk, reset, level, Moore_tick

clk_gen: process is
clk <= '1';
wait for clk_period/2; --for 5 ns signal is '0'.
clk <= '0';
wait for clk_period/2; --for next 5 ns signal is '1'.
end process clk_gen;

trig: process is

wait for clk_period;
level<= '1';
wait for clk_period;
reset <= '0' ;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
reset <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
reset <= '0' ;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;

end process trig;

end architecture fsm_arch_tb;

But i am stuck on the last process.
I am trying to implement the trig process so to be able to see all the transitions on waveforms

enter image description here

share|improve this question

  • So far you don't appear to be asking a question and are simply stating you are stuck. What's got you stuck? Note that Moore_tick is an output from fsm and assigning it in the testbench creates a second driver where the value of the signal will the resolution of the two drivers.
    – user1155120
    2 days ago

  • Testing all the branches in your state machine can be done by manipulating reset and level and not driving Moore_tick.
    – user1155120
    2 days ago

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Hello i got this FSM.

enter image description here

I wrote the VHDL code :

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity fsm is
clk, reset : in std_logic;
level : in std_logic;
Moore_tick: out std_logic
end fsm;

architecture rtl of fsm is

type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2, s3); -- 3 states are required
signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type;

process(clk, reset)
if (reset = '1') then -- go to state zero if reset
stateFsm_reg <= s1;
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then -- otherwise update the states
stateFsm_reg <= stateFsm_next;
end if;
end process;

process(stateFsm_reg, level)
-- store current state as next
stateFsm_next <= stateFsm_reg; -- required: when no case statement is satisfied

Moore_tick <= '0'; -- set tick to zero (so that 'tick = 1' is available for 1 cycle only)
case stateFsm_reg is
when s1 => -- if state is zero,
if level = '1' then -- and level is 1
stateFsm_next <= s2; -- then go to state edge.
end if;
when s2 =>
Moore_tick <= '1'; -- set the tick to 1.
if level = '1' then -- if level is 1,
stateFsm_next <= s3; --go to state one,
stateFsm_next <= s1; -- else go to state zero.
end if;
when s3 =>
if level = '0' then -- if level is 0,
stateFsm_next <= s1; -- then go to state zero.
end if;
end case;
end process;
end rtl;

So i compiled the code without errors. Currently i am trying to create a testbench so to be able to get the visuals so to be sure that it is workign correctly.
This is the code that i wrote for the testbench.

[![library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity fsm_tb is
end fsm_tb;

architecture fsm_arch_tb of fsm_tb is
component fsm is
clk, reset : in std_logic;
level : in std_logic;
Moore_tick: out std_logic
end component;

signal clk: std_logic :='1';
signal reset: std_logic :='0';
signal level: std_logic :='0';
signal Moore_tick: std_logic ;
type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2 , s3 ); -- 3 states are required
signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type ;

constant clk_period : time := 1 ns;


cnt_inst : fsm
port map (
clk, reset, level, Moore_tick

clk_gen: process is
clk <= '1';
wait for clk_period/2; --for 5 ns signal is '0'.
clk <= '0';
wait for clk_period/2; --for next 5 ns signal is '1'.
end process clk_gen;

trig: process is

wait for clk_period;
level<= '1';
wait for clk_period;
reset <= '0' ;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
reset <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
reset <= '0' ;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;

end process trig;

end architecture fsm_arch_tb;

But i am stuck on the last process.
I am trying to implement the trig process so to be able to see all the transitions on waveforms

enter image description here

share|improve this question

Hello i got this FSM.

enter image description here

I wrote the VHDL code :

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity fsm is
clk, reset : in std_logic;
level : in std_logic;
Moore_tick: out std_logic
end fsm;

architecture rtl of fsm is

type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2, s3); -- 3 states are required
signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type;

process(clk, reset)
if (reset = '1') then -- go to state zero if reset
stateFsm_reg <= s1;
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then -- otherwise update the states
stateFsm_reg <= stateFsm_next;
end if;
end process;

process(stateFsm_reg, level)
-- store current state as next
stateFsm_next <= stateFsm_reg; -- required: when no case statement is satisfied

Moore_tick <= '0'; -- set tick to zero (so that 'tick = 1' is available for 1 cycle only)
case stateFsm_reg is
when s1 => -- if state is zero,
if level = '1' then -- and level is 1
stateFsm_next <= s2; -- then go to state edge.
end if;
when s2 =>
Moore_tick <= '1'; -- set the tick to 1.
if level = '1' then -- if level is 1,
stateFsm_next <= s3; --go to state one,
stateFsm_next <= s1; -- else go to state zero.
end if;
when s3 =>
if level = '0' then -- if level is 0,
stateFsm_next <= s1; -- then go to state zero.
end if;
end case;
end process;
end rtl;

So i compiled the code without errors. Currently i am trying to create a testbench so to be able to get the visuals so to be sure that it is workign correctly.
This is the code that i wrote for the testbench.

[![library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity fsm_tb is
end fsm_tb;

architecture fsm_arch_tb of fsm_tb is
component fsm is
clk, reset : in std_logic;
level : in std_logic;
Moore_tick: out std_logic
end component;

signal clk: std_logic :='1';
signal reset: std_logic :='0';
signal level: std_logic :='0';
signal Moore_tick: std_logic ;
type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2 , s3 ); -- 3 states are required
signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type ;

constant clk_period : time := 1 ns;


cnt_inst : fsm
port map (
clk, reset, level, Moore_tick

clk_gen: process is
clk <= '1';
wait for clk_period/2; --for 5 ns signal is '0'.
clk <= '0';
wait for clk_period/2; --for next 5 ns signal is '1'.
end process clk_gen;

trig: process is

wait for clk_period;
level<= '1';
wait for clk_period;
reset <= '0' ;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
reset <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
reset <= '0' ;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;
wait for clk_period;
level <= '1' ;

end process trig;

end architecture fsm_arch_tb;

But i am stuck on the last process.
I am trying to implement the trig process so to be able to see all the transitions on waveforms

enter image description here

vhdl fsm

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edited 11 hours ago

asked 2 days ago

Ioan Kats



  • So far you don't appear to be asking a question and are simply stating you are stuck. What's got you stuck? Note that Moore_tick is an output from fsm and assigning it in the testbench creates a second driver where the value of the signal will the resolution of the two drivers.
    – user1155120
    2 days ago

  • Testing all the branches in your state machine can be done by manipulating reset and level and not driving Moore_tick.
    – user1155120
    2 days ago

  • So far you don't appear to be asking a question and are simply stating you are stuck. What's got you stuck? Note that Moore_tick is an output from fsm and assigning it in the testbench creates a second driver where the value of the signal will the resolution of the two drivers.
    – user1155120
    2 days ago

  • Testing all the branches in your state machine can be done by manipulating reset and level and not driving Moore_tick.
    – user1155120
    2 days ago

So far you don't appear to be asking a question and are simply stating you are stuck. What's got you stuck? Note that Moore_tick is an output from fsm and assigning it in the testbench creates a second driver where the value of the signal will the resolution of the two drivers.
– user1155120
2 days ago

So far you don't appear to be asking a question and are simply stating you are stuck. What's got you stuck? Note that Moore_tick is an output from fsm and assigning it in the testbench creates a second driver where the value of the signal will the resolution of the two drivers.
– user1155120
2 days ago

Testing all the branches in your state machine can be done by manipulating reset and level and not driving Moore_tick.
– user1155120
2 days ago

Testing all the branches in your state machine can be done by manipulating reset and level and not driving Moore_tick.
– user1155120
2 days ago

1 Answer




up vote
down vote


In the test bench, you are trying to assign a value to the signal type out

Remove these:

Moore_tick <= '0';

Moore_tick <= '1';

share|improve this answer

  • Hello i made the changes that you sugggested. and i get these waveforms. Why i dont get output values for the stateFsm_reg and the stateFsm_next thought?
    – Ioan Kats

  • In yout testbench, you have declared the signals stateFsm_reg and stateFsm_next as std_logic, instead they should be of your declared type stateFsm_type (as in your rtl code)
    – Sai Varun
    18 hours ago

  • Hello again i changed the signals i added type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2 , s3 ) signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type ; i get output s1 but it does not change. All the time is s1
    – Ioan Kats
    11 hours ago

  • changed code and/or relevant figures might be more helpful to provide answers
    – Sai Varun
    11 hours ago

  • i updated the testbench and the waveforms!
    – Ioan Kats
    11 hours ago

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up vote
down vote


In the test bench, you are trying to assign a value to the signal type out

Remove these:

Moore_tick <= '0';

Moore_tick <= '1';

share|improve this answer

  • Hello i made the changes that you sugggested. and i get these waveforms. Why i dont get output values for the stateFsm_reg and the stateFsm_next thought?
    – Ioan Kats

  • In yout testbench, you have declared the signals stateFsm_reg and stateFsm_next as std_logic, instead they should be of your declared type stateFsm_type (as in your rtl code)
    – Sai Varun
    18 hours ago

  • Hello again i changed the signals i added type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2 , s3 ) signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type ; i get output s1 but it does not change. All the time is s1
    – Ioan Kats
    11 hours ago

  • changed code and/or relevant figures might be more helpful to provide answers
    – Sai Varun
    11 hours ago

  • i updated the testbench and the waveforms!
    – Ioan Kats
    11 hours ago

up vote
down vote


In the test bench, you are trying to assign a value to the signal type out

Remove these:

Moore_tick <= '0';

Moore_tick <= '1';

share|improve this answer

  • Hello i made the changes that you sugggested. and i get these waveforms. Why i dont get output values for the stateFsm_reg and the stateFsm_next thought?
    – Ioan Kats

  • In yout testbench, you have declared the signals stateFsm_reg and stateFsm_next as std_logic, instead they should be of your declared type stateFsm_type (as in your rtl code)
    – Sai Varun
    18 hours ago

  • Hello again i changed the signals i added type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2 , s3 ) signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type ; i get output s1 but it does not change. All the time is s1
    – Ioan Kats
    11 hours ago

  • changed code and/or relevant figures might be more helpful to provide answers
    – Sai Varun
    11 hours ago

  • i updated the testbench and the waveforms!
    – Ioan Kats
    11 hours ago

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


In the test bench, you are trying to assign a value to the signal type out

Remove these:

Moore_tick <= '0';

Moore_tick <= '1';

share|improve this answer

In the test bench, you are trying to assign a value to the signal type out

Remove these:

Moore_tick <= '0';

Moore_tick <= '1';

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited 2 days ago

answered 2 days ago

Sai Varun



  • Hello i made the changes that you sugggested. and i get these waveforms. Why i dont get output values for the stateFsm_reg and the stateFsm_next thought?
    – Ioan Kats

  • In yout testbench, you have declared the signals stateFsm_reg and stateFsm_next as std_logic, instead they should be of your declared type stateFsm_type (as in your rtl code)
    – Sai Varun
    18 hours ago

  • Hello again i changed the signals i added type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2 , s3 ) signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type ; i get output s1 but it does not change. All the time is s1
    – Ioan Kats
    11 hours ago

  • changed code and/or relevant figures might be more helpful to provide answers
    – Sai Varun
    11 hours ago

  • i updated the testbench and the waveforms!
    – Ioan Kats
    11 hours ago

  • Hello i made the changes that you sugggested. and i get these waveforms. Why i dont get output values for the stateFsm_reg and the stateFsm_next thought?
    – Ioan Kats

  • In yout testbench, you have declared the signals stateFsm_reg and stateFsm_next as std_logic, instead they should be of your declared type stateFsm_type (as in your rtl code)
    – Sai Varun
    18 hours ago

  • Hello again i changed the signals i added type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2 , s3 ) signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type ; i get output s1 but it does not change. All the time is s1
    – Ioan Kats
    11 hours ago

  • changed code and/or relevant figures might be more helpful to provide answers
    – Sai Varun
    11 hours ago

  • i updated the testbench and the waveforms!
    – Ioan Kats
    11 hours ago

Hello i made the changes that you sugggested. and i get these waveforms. Why i dont get output values for the stateFsm_reg and the stateFsm_next thought?
– Ioan Kats

Hello i made the changes that you sugggested. and i get these waveforms. Why i dont get output values for the stateFsm_reg and the stateFsm_next thought?
– Ioan Kats

In yout testbench, you have declared the signals stateFsm_reg and stateFsm_next as std_logic, instead they should be of your declared type stateFsm_type (as in your rtl code)
– Sai Varun
18 hours ago

In yout testbench, you have declared the signals stateFsm_reg and stateFsm_next as std_logic, instead they should be of your declared type stateFsm_type (as in your rtl code)
– Sai Varun
18 hours ago

Hello again i changed the signals i added type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2 , s3 ) signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type ; i get output s1 but it does not change. All the time is s1
– Ioan Kats
11 hours ago

Hello again i changed the signals i added type stateFsm_type is (s1, s2 , s3 ) signal stateFsm_reg, stateFsm_next : stateFsm_type ; i get output s1 but it does not change. All the time is s1
– Ioan Kats
11 hours ago

changed code and/or relevant figures might be more helpful to provide answers
– Sai Varun
11 hours ago

changed code and/or relevant figures might be more helpful to provide answers
– Sai Varun
11 hours ago

i updated the testbench and the waveforms!
– Ioan Kats
11 hours ago

i updated the testbench and the waveforms!
– Ioan Kats
11 hours ago


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