
Showing posts from January 25, 2019

Different font size/position of beamer's navigation symbols template's content depending on regular/plain...

3 Let's suppose I'd like to divert the navigation symbols template (e.g. in order replace them by the frame numbers, see this bug report ;) I would be facing troubles regarding the font size/position, depending on regular/plain frames, as shown by the following MCE. How could I get rid of these troubles? documentclass{beamer} usetheme{PaloAlto} setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{insertframenumber/inserttotalframenumber} begin{document} begin{frame} frametitle{A regular frame} end{frame} begin{frame}[plain] frametitle{A plain frame} end{frame} end{document} beamer header-footer share | improve this question asked Dec 10 '18 a