Get ranges for synonymous and non-synonymous nucleotide positions within a codon separately


I have GRanges object (coordinates of all gene exons); coding_pos defines what is the start position of a codon in a particular exon (1 means that first nucleotide in exon is also the first nt in a codon, and so on).

grTargetGene itself looks like this

> grTargetGene

GRanges object with 11 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype prev_exons_length coding_pos
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character> <numeric> <numeric>
[1] chr2 [148602722, 148602776] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 0 1
[2] chr2 [148653870, 148654077] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 55 2
[3] chr2 [148657027, 148657136] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 263 3
[4] chr2 [148657313, 148657467] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 373 2
[5] chr2 [148672760, 148672903] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 528 1
[6] chr2 [148674852, 148674995] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 672 1
[7] chr2 [148676016, 148676161] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 816 1
[8] chr2 [148677799, 148677913] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 962 3
[9] chr2 [148680542, 148680680] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1077 1
[10] chr2 [148683600, 148683730] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1216 2
[11] chr2 [148684649, 148684843] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1347 1
seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

I am interested in looking at coordinates separately for [1,2] positions in each codon and [3]. In other words, I would like to have 2 different GRanges objects that look approximately like this (here it is only the beginning)

> grTargetGene_Nonsynonym

GRanges object with X ranges and 7 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
[1] chr2 [148602722, 148602723] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[2] chr2 [148602725, 148602726] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[3] chr2 [148602728, 148602729] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[4] chr2 [148602731, 148602732] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding

> grTargetGene_Synonym

GRanges object with X ranges and 7 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
[1] chr2 [148602724, 148602724] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[2] chr2 [148602727, 148602727] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[3] chr2 [148602730, 148602730] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[4] chr2 [148602733, 148602733] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding

I was planning to do it through the loop that creates a set of granges for each exon according to coding_pos and strand, but I suspect there is a smarter way or maybe even a function that can do it already, but I couldn't find a simple solution.

Important: I do not need the sequence itself (the easiest way, in that case, would be to extract DNA first and then work with the sequence), but instead of doing this I only need the positions which I will use to overlap with some features.

> library("GenomicRanges")
> dput(grTargetGene)

, seqnames = new("Rle"
, values = structure(1L, .Label = "chr2", class = "factor")
, lengths = 6L
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, ranges = new("IRanges"
, start = c(148602722L, 148653870L, 148657027L, 148657313L, 148672760L,
, width = c(55L, 208L, 110L, 155L, 144L, 144L)
, elementType = "integer"
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, strand = new("Rle"
, values = structure(1L, .Label = c("+", "-", "*"), class = "factor")
, lengths = 6L
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, elementMetadata = new("DataFrame"
, rownames = NULL
, nrows = 6L
, listData = structure(list(ensembl_ids =
"ENSG00000121989", "ENSG00000121989", "ENSG00000121989", "ENSG00000121989"
), gene_biotype = c("protein_coding", "protein_coding", "protein_coding",
"protein_coding", "protein_coding", "protein_coding"), cds_length =
c(1542,1542, 1542, 1542, 1542, 1542), gene_start_position = c(148602086L,
148602086L, 148602086L, 148602086L, 148602086L, 148602086L),
gene_end_position = c(148688393L, 148688393L, 148688393L,
148688393L, 148688393L, 148688393L), prev_exons_length = c(0,
55, 263, 373, 528, 672), coding_pos = c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1)), .Names =
c("ensembl_ids", "gene_biotype", "cds_length", "gene_start_position",
"prev_exons_length", "coding_pos"))
, elementType = "ANY"
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, seqinfo = new("Seqinfo"
, seqnames = "chr2"
, seqlengths = NA_integer_
, is_circular = NA
, genome = NA_character_
, metadata = list()

share|improve this question

  • Can you provide some minimal & reproducible sample data? E.g. use dput to include the output of part of grTargetGene.
    – Maurits Evers
    Nov 22 at 10:43

  • Full grTargetGene is shown above - not sure what exactly you need.
    – lizaveta
    Nov 22 at 11:22

  • It's much easier to play around with your your data if you use dput to share sample data. This is even more true if make use of non-base R objects such as GRanges. So please review how to provide a minimal reproducible example/attempt and then edit your post accordingly.
    – Maurits Evers
    Nov 22 at 11:59

  • @MauritsEvers, thank you for the explanation. I changed the question, hope it helps.
    – lizaveta
    Nov 22 at 13:06

  • Thanks for providing sample data, I've posted a solution below.
    – Maurits Evers
    Nov 24 at 8:13


I have GRanges object (coordinates of all gene exons); coding_pos defines what is the start position of a codon in a particular exon (1 means that first nucleotide in exon is also the first nt in a codon, and so on).

grTargetGene itself looks like this

> grTargetGene

GRanges object with 11 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype prev_exons_length coding_pos
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character> <numeric> <numeric>
[1] chr2 [148602722, 148602776] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 0 1
[2] chr2 [148653870, 148654077] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 55 2
[3] chr2 [148657027, 148657136] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 263 3
[4] chr2 [148657313, 148657467] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 373 2
[5] chr2 [148672760, 148672903] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 528 1
[6] chr2 [148674852, 148674995] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 672 1
[7] chr2 [148676016, 148676161] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 816 1
[8] chr2 [148677799, 148677913] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 962 3
[9] chr2 [148680542, 148680680] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1077 1
[10] chr2 [148683600, 148683730] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1216 2
[11] chr2 [148684649, 148684843] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1347 1
seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

I am interested in looking at coordinates separately for [1,2] positions in each codon and [3]. In other words, I would like to have 2 different GRanges objects that look approximately like this (here it is only the beginning)

> grTargetGene_Nonsynonym

GRanges object with X ranges and 7 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
[1] chr2 [148602722, 148602723] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[2] chr2 [148602725, 148602726] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[3] chr2 [148602728, 148602729] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[4] chr2 [148602731, 148602732] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding

> grTargetGene_Synonym

GRanges object with X ranges and 7 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
[1] chr2 [148602724, 148602724] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[2] chr2 [148602727, 148602727] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[3] chr2 [148602730, 148602730] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[4] chr2 [148602733, 148602733] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding

I was planning to do it through the loop that creates a set of granges for each exon according to coding_pos and strand, but I suspect there is a smarter way or maybe even a function that can do it already, but I couldn't find a simple solution.

Important: I do not need the sequence itself (the easiest way, in that case, would be to extract DNA first and then work with the sequence), but instead of doing this I only need the positions which I will use to overlap with some features.

> library("GenomicRanges")
> dput(grTargetGene)

, seqnames = new("Rle"
, values = structure(1L, .Label = "chr2", class = "factor")
, lengths = 6L
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, ranges = new("IRanges"
, start = c(148602722L, 148653870L, 148657027L, 148657313L, 148672760L,
, width = c(55L, 208L, 110L, 155L, 144L, 144L)
, elementType = "integer"
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, strand = new("Rle"
, values = structure(1L, .Label = c("+", "-", "*"), class = "factor")
, lengths = 6L
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, elementMetadata = new("DataFrame"
, rownames = NULL
, nrows = 6L
, listData = structure(list(ensembl_ids =
"ENSG00000121989", "ENSG00000121989", "ENSG00000121989", "ENSG00000121989"
), gene_biotype = c("protein_coding", "protein_coding", "protein_coding",
"protein_coding", "protein_coding", "protein_coding"), cds_length =
c(1542,1542, 1542, 1542, 1542, 1542), gene_start_position = c(148602086L,
148602086L, 148602086L, 148602086L, 148602086L, 148602086L),
gene_end_position = c(148688393L, 148688393L, 148688393L,
148688393L, 148688393L, 148688393L), prev_exons_length = c(0,
55, 263, 373, 528, 672), coding_pos = c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1)), .Names =
c("ensembl_ids", "gene_biotype", "cds_length", "gene_start_position",
"prev_exons_length", "coding_pos"))
, elementType = "ANY"
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, seqinfo = new("Seqinfo"
, seqnames = "chr2"
, seqlengths = NA_integer_
, is_circular = NA
, genome = NA_character_
, metadata = list()

share|improve this question

  • Can you provide some minimal & reproducible sample data? E.g. use dput to include the output of part of grTargetGene.
    – Maurits Evers
    Nov 22 at 10:43

  • Full grTargetGene is shown above - not sure what exactly you need.
    – lizaveta
    Nov 22 at 11:22

  • It's much easier to play around with your your data if you use dput to share sample data. This is even more true if make use of non-base R objects such as GRanges. So please review how to provide a minimal reproducible example/attempt and then edit your post accordingly.
    – Maurits Evers
    Nov 22 at 11:59

  • @MauritsEvers, thank you for the explanation. I changed the question, hope it helps.
    – lizaveta
    Nov 22 at 13:06

  • Thanks for providing sample data, I've posted a solution below.
    – Maurits Evers
    Nov 24 at 8:13




I have GRanges object (coordinates of all gene exons); coding_pos defines what is the start position of a codon in a particular exon (1 means that first nucleotide in exon is also the first nt in a codon, and so on).

grTargetGene itself looks like this

> grTargetGene

GRanges object with 11 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype prev_exons_length coding_pos
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character> <numeric> <numeric>
[1] chr2 [148602722, 148602776] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 0 1
[2] chr2 [148653870, 148654077] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 55 2
[3] chr2 [148657027, 148657136] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 263 3
[4] chr2 [148657313, 148657467] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 373 2
[5] chr2 [148672760, 148672903] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 528 1
[6] chr2 [148674852, 148674995] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 672 1
[7] chr2 [148676016, 148676161] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 816 1
[8] chr2 [148677799, 148677913] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 962 3
[9] chr2 [148680542, 148680680] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1077 1
[10] chr2 [148683600, 148683730] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1216 2
[11] chr2 [148684649, 148684843] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1347 1
seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

I am interested in looking at coordinates separately for [1,2] positions in each codon and [3]. In other words, I would like to have 2 different GRanges objects that look approximately like this (here it is only the beginning)

> grTargetGene_Nonsynonym

GRanges object with X ranges and 7 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
[1] chr2 [148602722, 148602723] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[2] chr2 [148602725, 148602726] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[3] chr2 [148602728, 148602729] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[4] chr2 [148602731, 148602732] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding

> grTargetGene_Synonym

GRanges object with X ranges and 7 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
[1] chr2 [148602724, 148602724] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[2] chr2 [148602727, 148602727] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[3] chr2 [148602730, 148602730] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[4] chr2 [148602733, 148602733] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding

I was planning to do it through the loop that creates a set of granges for each exon according to coding_pos and strand, but I suspect there is a smarter way or maybe even a function that can do it already, but I couldn't find a simple solution.

Important: I do not need the sequence itself (the easiest way, in that case, would be to extract DNA first and then work with the sequence), but instead of doing this I only need the positions which I will use to overlap with some features.

> library("GenomicRanges")
> dput(grTargetGene)

, seqnames = new("Rle"
, values = structure(1L, .Label = "chr2", class = "factor")
, lengths = 6L
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, ranges = new("IRanges"
, start = c(148602722L, 148653870L, 148657027L, 148657313L, 148672760L,
, width = c(55L, 208L, 110L, 155L, 144L, 144L)
, elementType = "integer"
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, strand = new("Rle"
, values = structure(1L, .Label = c("+", "-", "*"), class = "factor")
, lengths = 6L
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, elementMetadata = new("DataFrame"
, rownames = NULL
, nrows = 6L
, listData = structure(list(ensembl_ids =
"ENSG00000121989", "ENSG00000121989", "ENSG00000121989", "ENSG00000121989"
), gene_biotype = c("protein_coding", "protein_coding", "protein_coding",
"protein_coding", "protein_coding", "protein_coding"), cds_length =
c(1542,1542, 1542, 1542, 1542, 1542), gene_start_position = c(148602086L,
148602086L, 148602086L, 148602086L, 148602086L, 148602086L),
gene_end_position = c(148688393L, 148688393L, 148688393L,
148688393L, 148688393L, 148688393L), prev_exons_length = c(0,
55, 263, 373, 528, 672), coding_pos = c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1)), .Names =
c("ensembl_ids", "gene_biotype", "cds_length", "gene_start_position",
"prev_exons_length", "coding_pos"))
, elementType = "ANY"
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, seqinfo = new("Seqinfo"
, seqnames = "chr2"
, seqlengths = NA_integer_
, is_circular = NA
, genome = NA_character_
, metadata = list()

share|improve this question

I have GRanges object (coordinates of all gene exons); coding_pos defines what is the start position of a codon in a particular exon (1 means that first nucleotide in exon is also the first nt in a codon, and so on).

grTargetGene itself looks like this

> grTargetGene

GRanges object with 11 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype prev_exons_length coding_pos
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character> <numeric> <numeric>
[1] chr2 [148602722, 148602776] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 0 1
[2] chr2 [148653870, 148654077] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 55 2
[3] chr2 [148657027, 148657136] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 263 3
[4] chr2 [148657313, 148657467] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 373 2
[5] chr2 [148672760, 148672903] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 528 1
[6] chr2 [148674852, 148674995] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 672 1
[7] chr2 [148676016, 148676161] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 816 1
[8] chr2 [148677799, 148677913] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 962 3
[9] chr2 [148680542, 148680680] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1077 1
[10] chr2 [148683600, 148683730] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1216 2
[11] chr2 [148684649, 148684843] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1347 1
seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

I am interested in looking at coordinates separately for [1,2] positions in each codon and [3]. In other words, I would like to have 2 different GRanges objects that look approximately like this (here it is only the beginning)

> grTargetGene_Nonsynonym

GRanges object with X ranges and 7 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
[1] chr2 [148602722, 148602723] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[2] chr2 [148602725, 148602726] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[3] chr2 [148602728, 148602729] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[4] chr2 [148602731, 148602732] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding

> grTargetGene_Synonym

GRanges object with X ranges and 7 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
[1] chr2 [148602724, 148602724] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[2] chr2 [148602727, 148602727] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[3] chr2 [148602730, 148602730] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
[4] chr2 [148602733, 148602733] + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding

I was planning to do it through the loop that creates a set of granges for each exon according to coding_pos and strand, but I suspect there is a smarter way or maybe even a function that can do it already, but I couldn't find a simple solution.

Important: I do not need the sequence itself (the easiest way, in that case, would be to extract DNA first and then work with the sequence), but instead of doing this I only need the positions which I will use to overlap with some features.

> library("GenomicRanges")
> dput(grTargetGene)

, seqnames = new("Rle"
, values = structure(1L, .Label = "chr2", class = "factor")
, lengths = 6L
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, ranges = new("IRanges"
, start = c(148602722L, 148653870L, 148657027L, 148657313L, 148672760L,
, width = c(55L, 208L, 110L, 155L, 144L, 144L)
, elementType = "integer"
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, strand = new("Rle"
, values = structure(1L, .Label = c("+", "-", "*"), class = "factor")
, lengths = 6L
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, elementMetadata = new("DataFrame"
, rownames = NULL
, nrows = 6L
, listData = structure(list(ensembl_ids =
"ENSG00000121989", "ENSG00000121989", "ENSG00000121989", "ENSG00000121989"
), gene_biotype = c("protein_coding", "protein_coding", "protein_coding",
"protein_coding", "protein_coding", "protein_coding"), cds_length =
c(1542,1542, 1542, 1542, 1542, 1542), gene_start_position = c(148602086L,
148602086L, 148602086L, 148602086L, 148602086L, 148602086L),
gene_end_position = c(148688393L, 148688393L, 148688393L,
148688393L, 148688393L, 148688393L), prev_exons_length = c(0,
55, 263, 373, 528, 672), coding_pos = c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1)), .Names =
c("ensembl_ids", "gene_biotype", "cds_length", "gene_start_position",
"prev_exons_length", "coding_pos"))
, elementType = "ANY"
, elementMetadata = NULL
, metadata = list()
, seqinfo = new("Seqinfo"
, seqnames = "chr2"
, seqlengths = NA_integer_
, is_circular = NA
, genome = NA_character_
, metadata = list()

r bioconductor genomicranges

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Nov 23 at 10:06




asked Nov 22 at 10:23




  • Can you provide some minimal & reproducible sample data? E.g. use dput to include the output of part of grTargetGene.
    – Maurits Evers
    Nov 22 at 10:43

  • Full grTargetGene is shown above - not sure what exactly you need.
    – lizaveta
    Nov 22 at 11:22

  • It's much easier to play around with your your data if you use dput to share sample data. This is even more true if make use of non-base R objects such as GRanges. So please review how to provide a minimal reproducible example/attempt and then edit your post accordingly.
    – Maurits Evers
    Nov 22 at 11:59

  • @MauritsEvers, thank you for the explanation. I changed the question, hope it helps.
    – lizaveta
    Nov 22 at 13:06

  • Thanks for providing sample data, I've posted a solution below.
    – Maurits Evers
    Nov 24 at 8:13

  • Can you provide some minimal & reproducible sample data? E.g. use dput to include the output of part of grTargetGene.
    – Maurits Evers
    Nov 22 at 10:43

  • Full grTargetGene is shown above - not sure what exactly you need.
    – lizaveta
    Nov 22 at 11:22

  • It's much easier to play around with your your data if you use dput to share sample data. This is even more true if make use of non-base R objects such as GRanges. So please review how to provide a minimal reproducible example/attempt and then edit your post accordingly.
    – Maurits Evers
    Nov 22 at 11:59

  • @MauritsEvers, thank you for the explanation. I changed the question, hope it helps.
    – lizaveta
    Nov 22 at 13:06

  • Thanks for providing sample data, I've posted a solution below.
    – Maurits Evers
    Nov 24 at 8:13

Can you provide some minimal & reproducible sample data? E.g. use dput to include the output of part of grTargetGene.
– Maurits Evers
Nov 22 at 10:43

Can you provide some minimal & reproducible sample data? E.g. use dput to include the output of part of grTargetGene.
– Maurits Evers
Nov 22 at 10:43

Full grTargetGene is shown above - not sure what exactly you need.
– lizaveta
Nov 22 at 11:22

Full grTargetGene is shown above - not sure what exactly you need.
– lizaveta
Nov 22 at 11:22

It's much easier to play around with your your data if you use dput to share sample data. This is even more true if make use of non-base R objects such as GRanges. So please review how to provide a minimal reproducible example/attempt and then edit your post accordingly.
– Maurits Evers
Nov 22 at 11:59

It's much easier to play around with your your data if you use dput to share sample data. This is even more true if make use of non-base R objects such as GRanges. So please review how to provide a minimal reproducible example/attempt and then edit your post accordingly.
– Maurits Evers
Nov 22 at 11:59

@MauritsEvers, thank you for the explanation. I changed the question, hope it helps.
– lizaveta
Nov 22 at 13:06

@MauritsEvers, thank you for the explanation. I changed the question, hope it helps.
– lizaveta
Nov 22 at 13:06

Thanks for providing sample data, I've posted a solution below.
– Maurits Evers
Nov 24 at 8:13

Thanks for providing sample data, I've posted a solution below.
– Maurits Evers
Nov 24 at 8:13

2 Answers





How about the following:

grl <- lapply(list(Nonsym = c(1, 2), Sym = c(3, 3)), function(x) {
ranges(grTargetGene) <- IRanges(
start = start(grTargetGene) + x[1] - 1,
end = start(grTargetGene) + x[2] - 1)
return(grTargetGene) })
#GRanges object with 6 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
# seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
# <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
# [1] chr2 148602722-148602723 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
# [2] chr2 148653870-148653871 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
# [3] chr2 148657027-148657028 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
# [4] chr2 148657313-148657314 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
# [5] chr2 148672760-148672761 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
# [6] chr2 148674852-148674853 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
# cds_length gene_start_position gene_end_position prev_exons_length
# <numeric> <integer> <integer> <numeric>
# [1] 1542 148602086 148688393 0
# [2] 1542 148602086 148688393 55
# [3] 1542 148602086 148688393 263
# [4] 1542 148602086 148688393 373
# [5] 1542 148602086 148688393 528
# [6] 1542 148602086 148688393 672
# coding_pos
# <numeric>
# [1] 1
# [2] 2
# [3] 3
# [4] 2
# [5] 1
# [6] 1
# -------
# seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
#GRanges object with 6 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
# seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype cds_length
# <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character> <numeric>
# [1] chr2 148602724 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
# [2] chr2 148653872 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
# [3] chr2 148657029 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
# [4] chr2 148657315 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
# [5] chr2 148672762 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
# [6] chr2 148674854 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
# gene_start_position gene_end_position prev_exons_length coding_pos
# <integer> <integer> <numeric> <numeric>
# [1] 148602086 148688393 0 1
# [2] 148602086 148688393 55 2
# [3] 148602086 148688393 263 3
# [4] 148602086 148688393 373 2
# [5] 148602086 148688393 528 1
# [6] 148602086 148688393 672 1
# -------
# seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

grl contains a list of two GRanges, one with ranges based on positions 1 and 2, and the other with ranges based on position 3.

share|improve this answer

  • If I understand correctly, it assumes that each element of grTarget starts with Nonsym and this is only true for a very first exon. I posted my current solution below; it also takes into account a chain that gene is encoded on.
    – lizaveta
    Nov 30 at 13:48

  • @lizaveta I’m sorry but I don’t understand a word you said. What’s a chain of a gene? Do you mean a transcript? The way I understood your OP was to extract the first two and last position of the genomic ranges given in grTargetGene. I don’t understand what you’re calculating. Additionally and from a pure coding POV I’m sure you can avoid most of these explicit for loops.
    – Maurits Evers
    Dec 1 at 7:53

  • by a chain of a gene I mean a chain of DNA which is coding for a future transcript. And the question was about extraction every third position in a given gene (which is going to be the third position in a codon). It is not exactly the same as extracting every third position in each genomic range, because some exons have a "frameshift" and start with 2nd or 3rd nucleotide of a codon. I am sure you can use better coding style than in function I presented; the question was about it and I wondered how someone can write it more elegant. Would be glad to hear any suggestions.
    – lizaveta
    Dec 7 at 14:46


I created a function that can account for a chain and allows to process exons that length is not divisible by 3 (and might be even less than 3)

CodonPosition_separation = function(grTargetGene) {
grTargetGene = sort(grTargetGene)
grTargetGene$prev_exons_length = c(0,width(grTargetGene)[1:length(grTargetGene)-1])
if (length(grTargetGene) >1) {
for (l in 2:length(grTargetGene)) {
grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l] = grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l]+grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l-1]
grTargetGene$coding_pos = grTargetGene$prev_exons_length%%3+1
grTargetGene_N = GRanges()
grTargetGene_S = GRanges()
for (l in 1:length(grTargetGene)) {
for (obj in c("start_nonsyn","start_syn", "end_nonsyn", "end_syn","gr_nonsyn","gr_syn")) {if(exists(obj)) {rm(obj)}}
if (as.character(strand(grTargetGene)[1]) =="+"){
start_ns = start(grTargetGene[l])+1-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
end_ns = end(grTargetGene[l])
if (start_ns <=end_ns) {
start_nonsyn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+1-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
end_nonsyn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+2-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
start_s =start(grTargetGene[l])+3-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
end_s = end(grTargetGene[l])
if (start_s <=end_s) {
start_syn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+3-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
end_syn = start_syn

} else {
start_ns = end(grTargetGene[l])-1+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
end_ns = start(grTargetGene[l])
if (start_ns >=end_ns) {
start_nonsyn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-1+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
end_nonsyn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-2+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
start_s =end(grTargetGene[l])-3+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
end_s = start(grTargetGene[l])
if (start_ns >=end_ns) {
start_syn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-3+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
end_syn = start_syn
if (exists("start_nonsyn")) {
length_nonsyn = length(start_nonsyn)+ length(end_nonsyn)
gr_nonsyn = GRanges(
seqnames = rep(seqnames(grTargetGene[l]), length_nonsyn),
strand = rep(strand(grTargetGene[l]), length_nonsyn),
ranges = IRanges(start = c(start_nonsyn, end_nonsyn), end = c(start_nonsyn, end_nonsyn))
gr_nonsyn = intersect(gr_nonsyn,grTargetGene[l])
grTargetGene_N = append(grTargetGene_N, gr_nonsyn)
if (exists("start_syn")) {
length_syn = length(start_syn)
gr_syn = GRanges(
seqnames = rep(seqnames(grTargetGene[l]), length_syn),
strand = rep(strand(grTargetGene[l]), length_syn),
ranges = IRanges(start = start_syn, end = end_syn)
gr_syn = intersect(gr_syn,grTargetGene[l])
grTargetGene_S = append(grTargetGene_S, gr_syn)

It works nicely:

> CodonPosition_separation(grTargetGene)
GRanges object with 514 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
[1] chr2 [148602724, 148602724] +
[2] chr2 [148602727, 148602727] +
[3] chr2 [148602730, 148602730] +
[4] chr2 [148602733, 148602733] +
[5] chr2 [148602736, 148602736] +
... ... ... ...
[510] chr2 [148684831, 148684831] +
[511] chr2 [148684834, 148684834] +
[512] chr2 [148684837, 148684837] +
[513] chr2 [148684840, 148684840] +
[514] chr2 [148684843, 148684843] +
seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

GRanges object with 517 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
[1] chr2 [148602722, 148602723] +
[2] chr2 [148602725, 148602726] +
[3] chr2 [148602728, 148602729] +
[4] chr2 [148602731, 148602732] +
[5] chr2 [148602734, 148602735] +
... ... ... ...
[513] chr2 [148684829, 148684830] +
[514] chr2 [148684832, 148684833] +
[515] chr2 [148684835, 148684836] +
[516] chr2 [148684838, 148684839] +
[517] chr2 [148684841, 148684842] +
seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

share|improve this answer

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    2 Answers




    2 Answers











    How about the following:

    grl <- lapply(list(Nonsym = c(1, 2), Sym = c(3, 3)), function(x) {
    ranges(grTargetGene) <- IRanges(
    start = start(grTargetGene) + x[1] - 1,
    end = start(grTargetGene) + x[2] - 1)
    return(grTargetGene) })
    #GRanges object with 6 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
    # seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
    # <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
    # [1] chr2 148602722-148602723 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [2] chr2 148653870-148653871 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [3] chr2 148657027-148657028 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [4] chr2 148657313-148657314 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [5] chr2 148672760-148672761 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [6] chr2 148674852-148674853 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # cds_length gene_start_position gene_end_position prev_exons_length
    # <numeric> <integer> <integer> <numeric>
    # [1] 1542 148602086 148688393 0
    # [2] 1542 148602086 148688393 55
    # [3] 1542 148602086 148688393 263
    # [4] 1542 148602086 148688393 373
    # [5] 1542 148602086 148688393 528
    # [6] 1542 148602086 148688393 672
    # coding_pos
    # <numeric>
    # [1] 1
    # [2] 2
    # [3] 3
    # [4] 2
    # [5] 1
    # [6] 1
    # -------
    # seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
    #GRanges object with 6 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
    # seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype cds_length
    # <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character> <numeric>
    # [1] chr2 148602724 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [2] chr2 148653872 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [3] chr2 148657029 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [4] chr2 148657315 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [5] chr2 148672762 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [6] chr2 148674854 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # gene_start_position gene_end_position prev_exons_length coding_pos
    # <integer> <integer> <numeric> <numeric>
    # [1] 148602086 148688393 0 1
    # [2] 148602086 148688393 55 2
    # [3] 148602086 148688393 263 3
    # [4] 148602086 148688393 373 2
    # [5] 148602086 148688393 528 1
    # [6] 148602086 148688393 672 1
    # -------
    # seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

    grl contains a list of two GRanges, one with ranges based on positions 1 and 2, and the other with ranges based on position 3.

    share|improve this answer

    • If I understand correctly, it assumes that each element of grTarget starts with Nonsym and this is only true for a very first exon. I posted my current solution below; it also takes into account a chain that gene is encoded on.
      – lizaveta
      Nov 30 at 13:48

    • @lizaveta I’m sorry but I don’t understand a word you said. What’s a chain of a gene? Do you mean a transcript? The way I understood your OP was to extract the first two and last position of the genomic ranges given in grTargetGene. I don’t understand what you’re calculating. Additionally and from a pure coding POV I’m sure you can avoid most of these explicit for loops.
      – Maurits Evers
      Dec 1 at 7:53

    • by a chain of a gene I mean a chain of DNA which is coding for a future transcript. And the question was about extraction every third position in a given gene (which is going to be the third position in a codon). It is not exactly the same as extracting every third position in each genomic range, because some exons have a "frameshift" and start with 2nd or 3rd nucleotide of a codon. I am sure you can use better coding style than in function I presented; the question was about it and I wondered how someone can write it more elegant. Would be glad to hear any suggestions.
      – lizaveta
      Dec 7 at 14:46


    How about the following:

    grl <- lapply(list(Nonsym = c(1, 2), Sym = c(3, 3)), function(x) {
    ranges(grTargetGene) <- IRanges(
    start = start(grTargetGene) + x[1] - 1,
    end = start(grTargetGene) + x[2] - 1)
    return(grTargetGene) })
    #GRanges object with 6 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
    # seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
    # <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
    # [1] chr2 148602722-148602723 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [2] chr2 148653870-148653871 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [3] chr2 148657027-148657028 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [4] chr2 148657313-148657314 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [5] chr2 148672760-148672761 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [6] chr2 148674852-148674853 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # cds_length gene_start_position gene_end_position prev_exons_length
    # <numeric> <integer> <integer> <numeric>
    # [1] 1542 148602086 148688393 0
    # [2] 1542 148602086 148688393 55
    # [3] 1542 148602086 148688393 263
    # [4] 1542 148602086 148688393 373
    # [5] 1542 148602086 148688393 528
    # [6] 1542 148602086 148688393 672
    # coding_pos
    # <numeric>
    # [1] 1
    # [2] 2
    # [3] 3
    # [4] 2
    # [5] 1
    # [6] 1
    # -------
    # seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
    #GRanges object with 6 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
    # seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype cds_length
    # <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character> <numeric>
    # [1] chr2 148602724 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [2] chr2 148653872 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [3] chr2 148657029 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [4] chr2 148657315 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [5] chr2 148672762 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [6] chr2 148674854 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # gene_start_position gene_end_position prev_exons_length coding_pos
    # <integer> <integer> <numeric> <numeric>
    # [1] 148602086 148688393 0 1
    # [2] 148602086 148688393 55 2
    # [3] 148602086 148688393 263 3
    # [4] 148602086 148688393 373 2
    # [5] 148602086 148688393 528 1
    # [6] 148602086 148688393 672 1
    # -------
    # seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

    grl contains a list of two GRanges, one with ranges based on positions 1 and 2, and the other with ranges based on position 3.

    share|improve this answer

    • If I understand correctly, it assumes that each element of grTarget starts with Nonsym and this is only true for a very first exon. I posted my current solution below; it also takes into account a chain that gene is encoded on.
      – lizaveta
      Nov 30 at 13:48

    • @lizaveta I’m sorry but I don’t understand a word you said. What’s a chain of a gene? Do you mean a transcript? The way I understood your OP was to extract the first two and last position of the genomic ranges given in grTargetGene. I don’t understand what you’re calculating. Additionally and from a pure coding POV I’m sure you can avoid most of these explicit for loops.
      – Maurits Evers
      Dec 1 at 7:53

    • by a chain of a gene I mean a chain of DNA which is coding for a future transcript. And the question was about extraction every third position in a given gene (which is going to be the third position in a codon). It is not exactly the same as extracting every third position in each genomic range, because some exons have a "frameshift" and start with 2nd or 3rd nucleotide of a codon. I am sure you can use better coding style than in function I presented; the question was about it and I wondered how someone can write it more elegant. Would be glad to hear any suggestions.
      – lizaveta
      Dec 7 at 14:46




    How about the following:

    grl <- lapply(list(Nonsym = c(1, 2), Sym = c(3, 3)), function(x) {
    ranges(grTargetGene) <- IRanges(
    start = start(grTargetGene) + x[1] - 1,
    end = start(grTargetGene) + x[2] - 1)
    return(grTargetGene) })
    #GRanges object with 6 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
    # seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
    # <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
    # [1] chr2 148602722-148602723 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [2] chr2 148653870-148653871 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [3] chr2 148657027-148657028 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [4] chr2 148657313-148657314 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [5] chr2 148672760-148672761 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [6] chr2 148674852-148674853 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # cds_length gene_start_position gene_end_position prev_exons_length
    # <numeric> <integer> <integer> <numeric>
    # [1] 1542 148602086 148688393 0
    # [2] 1542 148602086 148688393 55
    # [3] 1542 148602086 148688393 263
    # [4] 1542 148602086 148688393 373
    # [5] 1542 148602086 148688393 528
    # [6] 1542 148602086 148688393 672
    # coding_pos
    # <numeric>
    # [1] 1
    # [2] 2
    # [3] 3
    # [4] 2
    # [5] 1
    # [6] 1
    # -------
    # seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
    #GRanges object with 6 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
    # seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype cds_length
    # <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character> <numeric>
    # [1] chr2 148602724 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [2] chr2 148653872 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [3] chr2 148657029 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [4] chr2 148657315 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [5] chr2 148672762 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [6] chr2 148674854 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # gene_start_position gene_end_position prev_exons_length coding_pos
    # <integer> <integer> <numeric> <numeric>
    # [1] 148602086 148688393 0 1
    # [2] 148602086 148688393 55 2
    # [3] 148602086 148688393 263 3
    # [4] 148602086 148688393 373 2
    # [5] 148602086 148688393 528 1
    # [6] 148602086 148688393 672 1
    # -------
    # seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

    grl contains a list of two GRanges, one with ranges based on positions 1 and 2, and the other with ranges based on position 3.

    share|improve this answer

    How about the following:

    grl <- lapply(list(Nonsym = c(1, 2), Sym = c(3, 3)), function(x) {
    ranges(grTargetGene) <- IRanges(
    start = start(grTargetGene) + x[1] - 1,
    end = start(grTargetGene) + x[2] - 1)
    return(grTargetGene) })
    #GRanges object with 6 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
    # seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype
    # <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character>
    # [1] chr2 148602722-148602723 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [2] chr2 148653870-148653871 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [3] chr2 148657027-148657028 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [4] chr2 148657313-148657314 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [5] chr2 148672760-148672761 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # [6] chr2 148674852-148674853 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding
    # cds_length gene_start_position gene_end_position prev_exons_length
    # <numeric> <integer> <integer> <numeric>
    # [1] 1542 148602086 148688393 0
    # [2] 1542 148602086 148688393 55
    # [3] 1542 148602086 148688393 263
    # [4] 1542 148602086 148688393 373
    # [5] 1542 148602086 148688393 528
    # [6] 1542 148602086 148688393 672
    # coding_pos
    # <numeric>
    # [1] 1
    # [2] 2
    # [3] 3
    # [4] 2
    # [5] 1
    # [6] 1
    # -------
    # seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
    #GRanges object with 6 ranges and 7 metadata columns:
    # seqnames ranges strand | ensembl_ids gene_biotype cds_length
    # <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character> <numeric>
    # [1] chr2 148602724 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [2] chr2 148653872 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [3] chr2 148657029 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [4] chr2 148657315 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [5] chr2 148672762 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # [6] chr2 148674854 + | ENSG00000121989 protein_coding 1542
    # gene_start_position gene_end_position prev_exons_length coding_pos
    # <integer> <integer> <numeric> <numeric>
    # [1] 148602086 148688393 0 1
    # [2] 148602086 148688393 55 2
    # [3] 148602086 148688393 263 3
    # [4] 148602086 148688393 373 2
    # [5] 148602086 148688393 528 1
    # [6] 148602086 148688393 672 1
    # -------
    # seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

    grl contains a list of two GRanges, one with ranges based on positions 1 and 2, and the other with ranges based on position 3.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered Nov 23 at 1:56

    Maurits Evers



    • If I understand correctly, it assumes that each element of grTarget starts with Nonsym and this is only true for a very first exon. I posted my current solution below; it also takes into account a chain that gene is encoded on.
      – lizaveta
      Nov 30 at 13:48

    • @lizaveta I’m sorry but I don’t understand a word you said. What’s a chain of a gene? Do you mean a transcript? The way I understood your OP was to extract the first two and last position of the genomic ranges given in grTargetGene. I don’t understand what you’re calculating. Additionally and from a pure coding POV I’m sure you can avoid most of these explicit for loops.
      – Maurits Evers
      Dec 1 at 7:53

    • by a chain of a gene I mean a chain of DNA which is coding for a future transcript. And the question was about extraction every third position in a given gene (which is going to be the third position in a codon). It is not exactly the same as extracting every third position in each genomic range, because some exons have a "frameshift" and start with 2nd or 3rd nucleotide of a codon. I am sure you can use better coding style than in function I presented; the question was about it and I wondered how someone can write it more elegant. Would be glad to hear any suggestions.
      – lizaveta
      Dec 7 at 14:46

    • If I understand correctly, it assumes that each element of grTarget starts with Nonsym and this is only true for a very first exon. I posted my current solution below; it also takes into account a chain that gene is encoded on.
      – lizaveta
      Nov 30 at 13:48

    • @lizaveta I’m sorry but I don’t understand a word you said. What’s a chain of a gene? Do you mean a transcript? The way I understood your OP was to extract the first two and last position of the genomic ranges given in grTargetGene. I don’t understand what you’re calculating. Additionally and from a pure coding POV I’m sure you can avoid most of these explicit for loops.
      – Maurits Evers
      Dec 1 at 7:53

    • by a chain of a gene I mean a chain of DNA which is coding for a future transcript. And the question was about extraction every third position in a given gene (which is going to be the third position in a codon). It is not exactly the same as extracting every third position in each genomic range, because some exons have a "frameshift" and start with 2nd or 3rd nucleotide of a codon. I am sure you can use better coding style than in function I presented; the question was about it and I wondered how someone can write it more elegant. Would be glad to hear any suggestions.
      – lizaveta
      Dec 7 at 14:46

    If I understand correctly, it assumes that each element of grTarget starts with Nonsym and this is only true for a very first exon. I posted my current solution below; it also takes into account a chain that gene is encoded on.
    – lizaveta
    Nov 30 at 13:48

    If I understand correctly, it assumes that each element of grTarget starts with Nonsym and this is only true for a very first exon. I posted my current solution below; it also takes into account a chain that gene is encoded on.
    – lizaveta
    Nov 30 at 13:48

    @lizaveta I’m sorry but I don’t understand a word you said. What’s a chain of a gene? Do you mean a transcript? The way I understood your OP was to extract the first two and last position of the genomic ranges given in grTargetGene. I don’t understand what you’re calculating. Additionally and from a pure coding POV I’m sure you can avoid most of these explicit for loops.
    – Maurits Evers
    Dec 1 at 7:53

    @lizaveta I’m sorry but I don’t understand a word you said. What’s a chain of a gene? Do you mean a transcript? The way I understood your OP was to extract the first two and last position of the genomic ranges given in grTargetGene. I don’t understand what you’re calculating. Additionally and from a pure coding POV I’m sure you can avoid most of these explicit for loops.
    – Maurits Evers
    Dec 1 at 7:53

    by a chain of a gene I mean a chain of DNA which is coding for a future transcript. And the question was about extraction every third position in a given gene (which is going to be the third position in a codon). It is not exactly the same as extracting every third position in each genomic range, because some exons have a "frameshift" and start with 2nd or 3rd nucleotide of a codon. I am sure you can use better coding style than in function I presented; the question was about it and I wondered how someone can write it more elegant. Would be glad to hear any suggestions.
    – lizaveta
    Dec 7 at 14:46

    by a chain of a gene I mean a chain of DNA which is coding for a future transcript. And the question was about extraction every third position in a given gene (which is going to be the third position in a codon). It is not exactly the same as extracting every third position in each genomic range, because some exons have a "frameshift" and start with 2nd or 3rd nucleotide of a codon. I am sure you can use better coding style than in function I presented; the question was about it and I wondered how someone can write it more elegant. Would be glad to hear any suggestions.
    – lizaveta
    Dec 7 at 14:46


    I created a function that can account for a chain and allows to process exons that length is not divisible by 3 (and might be even less than 3)

    CodonPosition_separation = function(grTargetGene) {
    grTargetGene = sort(grTargetGene)
    grTargetGene$prev_exons_length = c(0,width(grTargetGene)[1:length(grTargetGene)-1])
    if (length(grTargetGene) >1) {
    for (l in 2:length(grTargetGene)) {
    grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l] = grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l]+grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l-1]
    grTargetGene$coding_pos = grTargetGene$prev_exons_length%%3+1
    grTargetGene_N = GRanges()
    grTargetGene_S = GRanges()
    for (l in 1:length(grTargetGene)) {
    for (obj in c("start_nonsyn","start_syn", "end_nonsyn", "end_syn","gr_nonsyn","gr_syn")) {if(exists(obj)) {rm(obj)}}
    if (as.character(strand(grTargetGene)[1]) =="+"){
    start_ns = start(grTargetGene[l])+1-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
    end_ns = end(grTargetGene[l])
    if (start_ns <=end_ns) {
    start_nonsyn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+1-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
    end_nonsyn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+2-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
    start_s =start(grTargetGene[l])+3-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
    end_s = end(grTargetGene[l])
    if (start_s <=end_s) {
    start_syn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+3-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
    end_syn = start_syn

    } else {
    start_ns = end(grTargetGene[l])-1+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
    end_ns = start(grTargetGene[l])
    if (start_ns >=end_ns) {
    start_nonsyn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-1+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
    end_nonsyn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-2+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
    start_s =end(grTargetGene[l])-3+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
    end_s = start(grTargetGene[l])
    if (start_ns >=end_ns) {
    start_syn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-3+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
    end_syn = start_syn
    if (exists("start_nonsyn")) {
    length_nonsyn = length(start_nonsyn)+ length(end_nonsyn)
    gr_nonsyn = GRanges(
    seqnames = rep(seqnames(grTargetGene[l]), length_nonsyn),
    strand = rep(strand(grTargetGene[l]), length_nonsyn),
    ranges = IRanges(start = c(start_nonsyn, end_nonsyn), end = c(start_nonsyn, end_nonsyn))
    gr_nonsyn = intersect(gr_nonsyn,grTargetGene[l])
    grTargetGene_N = append(grTargetGene_N, gr_nonsyn)
    if (exists("start_syn")) {
    length_syn = length(start_syn)
    gr_syn = GRanges(
    seqnames = rep(seqnames(grTargetGene[l]), length_syn),
    strand = rep(strand(grTargetGene[l]), length_syn),
    ranges = IRanges(start = start_syn, end = end_syn)
    gr_syn = intersect(gr_syn,grTargetGene[l])
    grTargetGene_S = append(grTargetGene_S, gr_syn)

    It works nicely:

    > CodonPosition_separation(grTargetGene)
    GRanges object with 514 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
    seqnames ranges strand
    <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
    [1] chr2 [148602724, 148602724] +
    [2] chr2 [148602727, 148602727] +
    [3] chr2 [148602730, 148602730] +
    [4] chr2 [148602733, 148602733] +
    [5] chr2 [148602736, 148602736] +
    ... ... ... ...
    [510] chr2 [148684831, 148684831] +
    [511] chr2 [148684834, 148684834] +
    [512] chr2 [148684837, 148684837] +
    [513] chr2 [148684840, 148684840] +
    [514] chr2 [148684843, 148684843] +
    seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

    GRanges object with 517 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
    seqnames ranges strand
    <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
    [1] chr2 [148602722, 148602723] +
    [2] chr2 [148602725, 148602726] +
    [3] chr2 [148602728, 148602729] +
    [4] chr2 [148602731, 148602732] +
    [5] chr2 [148602734, 148602735] +
    ... ... ... ...
    [513] chr2 [148684829, 148684830] +
    [514] chr2 [148684832, 148684833] +
    [515] chr2 [148684835, 148684836] +
    [516] chr2 [148684838, 148684839] +
    [517] chr2 [148684841, 148684842] +
    seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

    share|improve this answer


      I created a function that can account for a chain and allows to process exons that length is not divisible by 3 (and might be even less than 3)

      CodonPosition_separation = function(grTargetGene) {
      grTargetGene = sort(grTargetGene)
      grTargetGene$prev_exons_length = c(0,width(grTargetGene)[1:length(grTargetGene)-1])
      if (length(grTargetGene) >1) {
      for (l in 2:length(grTargetGene)) {
      grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l] = grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l]+grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l-1]
      grTargetGene$coding_pos = grTargetGene$prev_exons_length%%3+1
      grTargetGene_N = GRanges()
      grTargetGene_S = GRanges()
      for (l in 1:length(grTargetGene)) {
      for (obj in c("start_nonsyn","start_syn", "end_nonsyn", "end_syn","gr_nonsyn","gr_syn")) {if(exists(obj)) {rm(obj)}}
      if (as.character(strand(grTargetGene)[1]) =="+"){
      start_ns = start(grTargetGene[l])+1-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
      end_ns = end(grTargetGene[l])
      if (start_ns <=end_ns) {
      start_nonsyn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+1-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
      end_nonsyn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+2-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
      start_s =start(grTargetGene[l])+3-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
      end_s = end(grTargetGene[l])
      if (start_s <=end_s) {
      start_syn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+3-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
      end_syn = start_syn

      } else {
      start_ns = end(grTargetGene[l])-1+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
      end_ns = start(grTargetGene[l])
      if (start_ns >=end_ns) {
      start_nonsyn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-1+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
      end_nonsyn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-2+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
      start_s =end(grTargetGene[l])-3+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
      end_s = start(grTargetGene[l])
      if (start_ns >=end_ns) {
      start_syn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-3+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
      end_syn = start_syn
      if (exists("start_nonsyn")) {
      length_nonsyn = length(start_nonsyn)+ length(end_nonsyn)
      gr_nonsyn = GRanges(
      seqnames = rep(seqnames(grTargetGene[l]), length_nonsyn),
      strand = rep(strand(grTargetGene[l]), length_nonsyn),
      ranges = IRanges(start = c(start_nonsyn, end_nonsyn), end = c(start_nonsyn, end_nonsyn))
      gr_nonsyn = intersect(gr_nonsyn,grTargetGene[l])
      grTargetGene_N = append(grTargetGene_N, gr_nonsyn)
      if (exists("start_syn")) {
      length_syn = length(start_syn)
      gr_syn = GRanges(
      seqnames = rep(seqnames(grTargetGene[l]), length_syn),
      strand = rep(strand(grTargetGene[l]), length_syn),
      ranges = IRanges(start = start_syn, end = end_syn)
      gr_syn = intersect(gr_syn,grTargetGene[l])
      grTargetGene_S = append(grTargetGene_S, gr_syn)

      It works nicely:

      > CodonPosition_separation(grTargetGene)
      GRanges object with 514 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
      seqnames ranges strand
      <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
      [1] chr2 [148602724, 148602724] +
      [2] chr2 [148602727, 148602727] +
      [3] chr2 [148602730, 148602730] +
      [4] chr2 [148602733, 148602733] +
      [5] chr2 [148602736, 148602736] +
      ... ... ... ...
      [510] chr2 [148684831, 148684831] +
      [511] chr2 [148684834, 148684834] +
      [512] chr2 [148684837, 148684837] +
      [513] chr2 [148684840, 148684840] +
      [514] chr2 [148684843, 148684843] +
      seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

      GRanges object with 517 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
      seqnames ranges strand
      <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
      [1] chr2 [148602722, 148602723] +
      [2] chr2 [148602725, 148602726] +
      [3] chr2 [148602728, 148602729] +
      [4] chr2 [148602731, 148602732] +
      [5] chr2 [148602734, 148602735] +
      ... ... ... ...
      [513] chr2 [148684829, 148684830] +
      [514] chr2 [148684832, 148684833] +
      [515] chr2 [148684835, 148684836] +
      [516] chr2 [148684838, 148684839] +
      [517] chr2 [148684841, 148684842] +
      seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

      share|improve this answer




        I created a function that can account for a chain and allows to process exons that length is not divisible by 3 (and might be even less than 3)

        CodonPosition_separation = function(grTargetGene) {
        grTargetGene = sort(grTargetGene)
        grTargetGene$prev_exons_length = c(0,width(grTargetGene)[1:length(grTargetGene)-1])
        if (length(grTargetGene) >1) {
        for (l in 2:length(grTargetGene)) {
        grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l] = grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l]+grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l-1]
        grTargetGene$coding_pos = grTargetGene$prev_exons_length%%3+1
        grTargetGene_N = GRanges()
        grTargetGene_S = GRanges()
        for (l in 1:length(grTargetGene)) {
        for (obj in c("start_nonsyn","start_syn", "end_nonsyn", "end_syn","gr_nonsyn","gr_syn")) {if(exists(obj)) {rm(obj)}}
        if (as.character(strand(grTargetGene)[1]) =="+"){
        start_ns = start(grTargetGene[l])+1-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
        end_ns = end(grTargetGene[l])
        if (start_ns <=end_ns) {
        start_nonsyn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+1-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
        end_nonsyn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+2-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
        start_s =start(grTargetGene[l])+3-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
        end_s = end(grTargetGene[l])
        if (start_s <=end_s) {
        start_syn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+3-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
        end_syn = start_syn

        } else {
        start_ns = end(grTargetGene[l])-1+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
        end_ns = start(grTargetGene[l])
        if (start_ns >=end_ns) {
        start_nonsyn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-1+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
        end_nonsyn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-2+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
        start_s =end(grTargetGene[l])-3+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
        end_s = start(grTargetGene[l])
        if (start_ns >=end_ns) {
        start_syn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-3+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
        end_syn = start_syn
        if (exists("start_nonsyn")) {
        length_nonsyn = length(start_nonsyn)+ length(end_nonsyn)
        gr_nonsyn = GRanges(
        seqnames = rep(seqnames(grTargetGene[l]), length_nonsyn),
        strand = rep(strand(grTargetGene[l]), length_nonsyn),
        ranges = IRanges(start = c(start_nonsyn, end_nonsyn), end = c(start_nonsyn, end_nonsyn))
        gr_nonsyn = intersect(gr_nonsyn,grTargetGene[l])
        grTargetGene_N = append(grTargetGene_N, gr_nonsyn)
        if (exists("start_syn")) {
        length_syn = length(start_syn)
        gr_syn = GRanges(
        seqnames = rep(seqnames(grTargetGene[l]), length_syn),
        strand = rep(strand(grTargetGene[l]), length_syn),
        ranges = IRanges(start = start_syn, end = end_syn)
        gr_syn = intersect(gr_syn,grTargetGene[l])
        grTargetGene_S = append(grTargetGene_S, gr_syn)

        It works nicely:

        > CodonPosition_separation(grTargetGene)
        GRanges object with 514 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
        seqnames ranges strand
        <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
        [1] chr2 [148602724, 148602724] +
        [2] chr2 [148602727, 148602727] +
        [3] chr2 [148602730, 148602730] +
        [4] chr2 [148602733, 148602733] +
        [5] chr2 [148602736, 148602736] +
        ... ... ... ...
        [510] chr2 [148684831, 148684831] +
        [511] chr2 [148684834, 148684834] +
        [512] chr2 [148684837, 148684837] +
        [513] chr2 [148684840, 148684840] +
        [514] chr2 [148684843, 148684843] +
        seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

        GRanges object with 517 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
        seqnames ranges strand
        <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
        [1] chr2 [148602722, 148602723] +
        [2] chr2 [148602725, 148602726] +
        [3] chr2 [148602728, 148602729] +
        [4] chr2 [148602731, 148602732] +
        [5] chr2 [148602734, 148602735] +
        ... ... ... ...
        [513] chr2 [148684829, 148684830] +
        [514] chr2 [148684832, 148684833] +
        [515] chr2 [148684835, 148684836] +
        [516] chr2 [148684838, 148684839] +
        [517] chr2 [148684841, 148684842] +
        seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

        share|improve this answer

        I created a function that can account for a chain and allows to process exons that length is not divisible by 3 (and might be even less than 3)

        CodonPosition_separation = function(grTargetGene) {
        grTargetGene = sort(grTargetGene)
        grTargetGene$prev_exons_length = c(0,width(grTargetGene)[1:length(grTargetGene)-1])
        if (length(grTargetGene) >1) {
        for (l in 2:length(grTargetGene)) {
        grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l] = grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l]+grTargetGene$prev_exons_length[l-1]
        grTargetGene$coding_pos = grTargetGene$prev_exons_length%%3+1
        grTargetGene_N = GRanges()
        grTargetGene_S = GRanges()
        for (l in 1:length(grTargetGene)) {
        for (obj in c("start_nonsyn","start_syn", "end_nonsyn", "end_syn","gr_nonsyn","gr_syn")) {if(exists(obj)) {rm(obj)}}
        if (as.character(strand(grTargetGene)[1]) =="+"){
        start_ns = start(grTargetGene[l])+1-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
        end_ns = end(grTargetGene[l])
        if (start_ns <=end_ns) {
        start_nonsyn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+1-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
        end_nonsyn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+2-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
        start_s =start(grTargetGene[l])+3-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
        end_s = end(grTargetGene[l])
        if (start_s <=end_s) {
        start_syn = seq(from = start(grTargetGene[l])+3-grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = end(grTargetGene[l]), by=3)
        end_syn = start_syn

        } else {
        start_ns = end(grTargetGene[l])-1+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
        end_ns = start(grTargetGene[l])
        if (start_ns >=end_ns) {
        start_nonsyn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-1+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
        end_nonsyn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-2+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
        start_s =end(grTargetGene[l])-3+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l]
        end_s = start(grTargetGene[l])
        if (start_ns >=end_ns) {
        start_syn = seq(from = end(grTargetGene[l])-3+grTargetGene$coding_pos[l],to = start(grTargetGene[l]), by=-3)
        end_syn = start_syn
        if (exists("start_nonsyn")) {
        length_nonsyn = length(start_nonsyn)+ length(end_nonsyn)
        gr_nonsyn = GRanges(
        seqnames = rep(seqnames(grTargetGene[l]), length_nonsyn),
        strand = rep(strand(grTargetGene[l]), length_nonsyn),
        ranges = IRanges(start = c(start_nonsyn, end_nonsyn), end = c(start_nonsyn, end_nonsyn))
        gr_nonsyn = intersect(gr_nonsyn,grTargetGene[l])
        grTargetGene_N = append(grTargetGene_N, gr_nonsyn)
        if (exists("start_syn")) {
        length_syn = length(start_syn)
        gr_syn = GRanges(
        seqnames = rep(seqnames(grTargetGene[l]), length_syn),
        strand = rep(strand(grTargetGene[l]), length_syn),
        ranges = IRanges(start = start_syn, end = end_syn)
        gr_syn = intersect(gr_syn,grTargetGene[l])
        grTargetGene_S = append(grTargetGene_S, gr_syn)

        It works nicely:

        > CodonPosition_separation(grTargetGene)
        GRanges object with 514 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
        seqnames ranges strand
        <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
        [1] chr2 [148602724, 148602724] +
        [2] chr2 [148602727, 148602727] +
        [3] chr2 [148602730, 148602730] +
        [4] chr2 [148602733, 148602733] +
        [5] chr2 [148602736, 148602736] +
        ... ... ... ...
        [510] chr2 [148684831, 148684831] +
        [511] chr2 [148684834, 148684834] +
        [512] chr2 [148684837, 148684837] +
        [513] chr2 [148684840, 148684840] +
        [514] chr2 [148684843, 148684843] +
        seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

        GRanges object with 517 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
        seqnames ranges strand
        <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle>
        [1] chr2 [148602722, 148602723] +
        [2] chr2 [148602725, 148602726] +
        [3] chr2 [148602728, 148602729] +
        [4] chr2 [148602731, 148602732] +
        [5] chr2 [148602734, 148602735] +
        ... ... ... ...
        [513] chr2 [148684829, 148684830] +
        [514] chr2 [148684832, 148684833] +
        [515] chr2 [148684835, 148684836] +
        [516] chr2 [148684838, 148684839] +
        [517] chr2 [148684841, 148684842] +
        seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Nov 30 at 14:42




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