How to decompose a bivector into a sum of _orthogonal_ blades?



In Geometric Algebra, any bivector $BinLambda^2mathbb R^n$ is a sum of blades:
$$B = B_1 + B_2 + cdots$$
$$= vec v_1wedgevec w_1 + vec v_2wedgevec w_2 + cdots$$
Each blade's component vectors $vec v$ and $vec w$, if they're not already orthogonal to each other, can easily be made so by the Gram-Schmidt process:
$$B_1 = vec v_1wedgevec w_1 = vec v_1wedgeleft(vec w_1-Big(frac{vec w_1cdotvec v_1}{vec v_1cdotvec v_1}Big)vec v_1right) = vec v_1wedgevec w_1'$$
$$vec v_1cdotvec w_1' = 0$$
(This can even be generalized to pseudo-Euclidean space where $vec v$ may square to zero: project $vec v$ away from $vec w$ instead of vice-versa, or if they both square to zero, take $vec v'=frac{vec v+vec w}{sqrt2}$ , $vec w'=frac{vec w-vec v}{sqrt2}$. Then $vec vwedgevec w=vec v'wedgevec w'$, and $vec v'cdotvec w'=0$.)

But I don't know how to make each blade orthogonal to the other blades. Orthogonal means that their geometric product is their (grade 4) wedge product; all lower-grade parts are zero.
$$B_1 + B_2 = B_1' + B_2'$$
$$B_1'B_2' = (B_1'cdot B_2')+(B_1'times B_2')+(B_1'wedge B_2') = B_1'wedge B_2'$$
$$B_1'cdot B_2' = 0 = B_1'times B_2'$$

From Wikipedia: In $Lambda^2mathbb R^4$,

"every bivector can be written as the sum of two simple bivectors. It is useful to choose two orthogonal bivectors for this, and this is always possible to do."

Here's a simple example, with $n = 4$:
$$B_1 = e_1wedge e_2 = e_1e_2$$
$$B_2 = (e_1 + e_3)wedge e_4 = e_1e_4 + e_3e_4$$
$$B = B_1 + B_2 = e_1e_2 + e_1e_4 + e_3e_4$$
$$B_1B_2 = -e_2e_4 + e_1e_2e_3e_4$$
$$B_1cdot B_2 = 0 neq B_1times B_2 = -e_2e_4$$

How can I rewrite $B = B_1' + B_2'$ with $B_1'cdot B_2' = 0 = B_1'times B_2'$ ?


After doing some algebra, I arrived at these equations:

$$B_1' = frac{B+Q}{2}$$

$$B_2' = frac{B-Q}{2}$$

$$Q^2 = Bcdot B - Bwedge B$$

$$B^2 = Qcdot Q - Qwedge Q$$

$$Btimes Q = 0$$

$$Bwedge Q = 0$$

We only need to solve for $Q$ in terms of $B$. I was able to take a square root of the third equation (by guessing that $Q = xe_1e_2+ye_3e_4$) but I didn't find the specific root that satisfies the other equations.


After doing some more algebra, I find that, if $Q$ is defined as the reflection of $B$ along some unknown vector $vneq0$,


$$B_1=frac{v^{-1}vB+v^{-1}Bv}{2}=v^{-1}(vwedge B)$$

$$B_2=frac{v^{-1}vB-v^{-1}Bv}{2}=v^{-1}(vcdot B)$$

then $B_1$ and $B_2$ are blades, and $B_1cdot B_2=0$ regardless of $v$, and $B_1times B_2=0$ if and only if $vwedgebig((vcdot B)cdot Bbig)=0$. This means that $(vcdot B)cdot B$ must be parallel to $v$; in other words, $v$ is an eigenvector of the operator $(B,cdot)^2$. It follows that $vcdot B=w$ is also an eigenvector with the same eigenvalue, and $vcdot w=0$.

Generalizing, it looks like we want to find an orthogonal set of eigenvectors $v_1,v_2,v_3,cdots$ of $(B,cdot)^2$, so that

$$B_1=v_1^{-1}(v_1cdot B),quad B_2=v_2^{-1}(v_2cdot B),quad B_3=v_3^{-1}(v_3cdot B),quadcdots$$

Of course, all vectors $v$ must also be orthogonal to all $w=vcdot B$.

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    In Geometric Algebra, any bivector $BinLambda^2mathbb R^n$ is a sum of blades:
    $$B = B_1 + B_2 + cdots$$
    $$= vec v_1wedgevec w_1 + vec v_2wedgevec w_2 + cdots$$
    Each blade's component vectors $vec v$ and $vec w$, if they're not already orthogonal to each other, can easily be made so by the Gram-Schmidt process:
    $$B_1 = vec v_1wedgevec w_1 = vec v_1wedgeleft(vec w_1-Big(frac{vec w_1cdotvec v_1}{vec v_1cdotvec v_1}Big)vec v_1right) = vec v_1wedgevec w_1'$$
    $$vec v_1cdotvec w_1' = 0$$
    (This can even be generalized to pseudo-Euclidean space where $vec v$ may square to zero: project $vec v$ away from $vec w$ instead of vice-versa, or if they both square to zero, take $vec v'=frac{vec v+vec w}{sqrt2}$ , $vec w'=frac{vec w-vec v}{sqrt2}$. Then $vec vwedgevec w=vec v'wedgevec w'$, and $vec v'cdotvec w'=0$.)

    But I don't know how to make each blade orthogonal to the other blades. Orthogonal means that their geometric product is their (grade 4) wedge product; all lower-grade parts are zero.
    $$B_1 + B_2 = B_1' + B_2'$$
    $$B_1'B_2' = (B_1'cdot B_2')+(B_1'times B_2')+(B_1'wedge B_2') = B_1'wedge B_2'$$
    $$B_1'cdot B_2' = 0 = B_1'times B_2'$$

    From Wikipedia: In $Lambda^2mathbb R^4$,

    "every bivector can be written as the sum of two simple bivectors. It is useful to choose two orthogonal bivectors for this, and this is always possible to do."

    Here's a simple example, with $n = 4$:
    $$B_1 = e_1wedge e_2 = e_1e_2$$
    $$B_2 = (e_1 + e_3)wedge e_4 = e_1e_4 + e_3e_4$$
    $$B = B_1 + B_2 = e_1e_2 + e_1e_4 + e_3e_4$$
    $$B_1B_2 = -e_2e_4 + e_1e_2e_3e_4$$
    $$B_1cdot B_2 = 0 neq B_1times B_2 = -e_2e_4$$

    How can I rewrite $B = B_1' + B_2'$ with $B_1'cdot B_2' = 0 = B_1'times B_2'$ ?


    After doing some algebra, I arrived at these equations:

    $$B_1' = frac{B+Q}{2}$$

    $$B_2' = frac{B-Q}{2}$$

    $$Q^2 = Bcdot B - Bwedge B$$

    $$B^2 = Qcdot Q - Qwedge Q$$

    $$Btimes Q = 0$$

    $$Bwedge Q = 0$$

    We only need to solve for $Q$ in terms of $B$. I was able to take a square root of the third equation (by guessing that $Q = xe_1e_2+ye_3e_4$) but I didn't find the specific root that satisfies the other equations.


    After doing some more algebra, I find that, if $Q$ is defined as the reflection of $B$ along some unknown vector $vneq0$,


    $$B_1=frac{v^{-1}vB+v^{-1}Bv}{2}=v^{-1}(vwedge B)$$

    $$B_2=frac{v^{-1}vB-v^{-1}Bv}{2}=v^{-1}(vcdot B)$$

    then $B_1$ and $B_2$ are blades, and $B_1cdot B_2=0$ regardless of $v$, and $B_1times B_2=0$ if and only if $vwedgebig((vcdot B)cdot Bbig)=0$. This means that $(vcdot B)cdot B$ must be parallel to $v$; in other words, $v$ is an eigenvector of the operator $(B,cdot)^2$. It follows that $vcdot B=w$ is also an eigenvector with the same eigenvalue, and $vcdot w=0$.

    Generalizing, it looks like we want to find an orthogonal set of eigenvectors $v_1,v_2,v_3,cdots$ of $(B,cdot)^2$, so that

    $$B_1=v_1^{-1}(v_1cdot B),quad B_2=v_2^{-1}(v_2cdot B),quad B_3=v_3^{-1}(v_3cdot B),quadcdots$$

    Of course, all vectors $v$ must also be orthogonal to all $w=vcdot B$.

    share|cite|improve this question






      In Geometric Algebra, any bivector $BinLambda^2mathbb R^n$ is a sum of blades:
      $$B = B_1 + B_2 + cdots$$
      $$= vec v_1wedgevec w_1 + vec v_2wedgevec w_2 + cdots$$
      Each blade's component vectors $vec v$ and $vec w$, if they're not already orthogonal to each other, can easily be made so by the Gram-Schmidt process:
      $$B_1 = vec v_1wedgevec w_1 = vec v_1wedgeleft(vec w_1-Big(frac{vec w_1cdotvec v_1}{vec v_1cdotvec v_1}Big)vec v_1right) = vec v_1wedgevec w_1'$$
      $$vec v_1cdotvec w_1' = 0$$
      (This can even be generalized to pseudo-Euclidean space where $vec v$ may square to zero: project $vec v$ away from $vec w$ instead of vice-versa, or if they both square to zero, take $vec v'=frac{vec v+vec w}{sqrt2}$ , $vec w'=frac{vec w-vec v}{sqrt2}$. Then $vec vwedgevec w=vec v'wedgevec w'$, and $vec v'cdotvec w'=0$.)

      But I don't know how to make each blade orthogonal to the other blades. Orthogonal means that their geometric product is their (grade 4) wedge product; all lower-grade parts are zero.
      $$B_1 + B_2 = B_1' + B_2'$$
      $$B_1'B_2' = (B_1'cdot B_2')+(B_1'times B_2')+(B_1'wedge B_2') = B_1'wedge B_2'$$
      $$B_1'cdot B_2' = 0 = B_1'times B_2'$$

      From Wikipedia: In $Lambda^2mathbb R^4$,

      "every bivector can be written as the sum of two simple bivectors. It is useful to choose two orthogonal bivectors for this, and this is always possible to do."

      Here's a simple example, with $n = 4$:
      $$B_1 = e_1wedge e_2 = e_1e_2$$
      $$B_2 = (e_1 + e_3)wedge e_4 = e_1e_4 + e_3e_4$$
      $$B = B_1 + B_2 = e_1e_2 + e_1e_4 + e_3e_4$$
      $$B_1B_2 = -e_2e_4 + e_1e_2e_3e_4$$
      $$B_1cdot B_2 = 0 neq B_1times B_2 = -e_2e_4$$

      How can I rewrite $B = B_1' + B_2'$ with $B_1'cdot B_2' = 0 = B_1'times B_2'$ ?


      After doing some algebra, I arrived at these equations:

      $$B_1' = frac{B+Q}{2}$$

      $$B_2' = frac{B-Q}{2}$$

      $$Q^2 = Bcdot B - Bwedge B$$

      $$B^2 = Qcdot Q - Qwedge Q$$

      $$Btimes Q = 0$$

      $$Bwedge Q = 0$$

      We only need to solve for $Q$ in terms of $B$. I was able to take a square root of the third equation (by guessing that $Q = xe_1e_2+ye_3e_4$) but I didn't find the specific root that satisfies the other equations.


      After doing some more algebra, I find that, if $Q$ is defined as the reflection of $B$ along some unknown vector $vneq0$,


      $$B_1=frac{v^{-1}vB+v^{-1}Bv}{2}=v^{-1}(vwedge B)$$

      $$B_2=frac{v^{-1}vB-v^{-1}Bv}{2}=v^{-1}(vcdot B)$$

      then $B_1$ and $B_2$ are blades, and $B_1cdot B_2=0$ regardless of $v$, and $B_1times B_2=0$ if and only if $vwedgebig((vcdot B)cdot Bbig)=0$. This means that $(vcdot B)cdot B$ must be parallel to $v$; in other words, $v$ is an eigenvector of the operator $(B,cdot)^2$. It follows that $vcdot B=w$ is also an eigenvector with the same eigenvalue, and $vcdot w=0$.

      Generalizing, it looks like we want to find an orthogonal set of eigenvectors $v_1,v_2,v_3,cdots$ of $(B,cdot)^2$, so that

      $$B_1=v_1^{-1}(v_1cdot B),quad B_2=v_2^{-1}(v_2cdot B),quad B_3=v_3^{-1}(v_3cdot B),quadcdots$$

      Of course, all vectors $v$ must also be orthogonal to all $w=vcdot B$.

      share|cite|improve this question


      In Geometric Algebra, any bivector $BinLambda^2mathbb R^n$ is a sum of blades:
      $$B = B_1 + B_2 + cdots$$
      $$= vec v_1wedgevec w_1 + vec v_2wedgevec w_2 + cdots$$
      Each blade's component vectors $vec v$ and $vec w$, if they're not already orthogonal to each other, can easily be made so by the Gram-Schmidt process:
      $$B_1 = vec v_1wedgevec w_1 = vec v_1wedgeleft(vec w_1-Big(frac{vec w_1cdotvec v_1}{vec v_1cdotvec v_1}Big)vec v_1right) = vec v_1wedgevec w_1'$$
      $$vec v_1cdotvec w_1' = 0$$
      (This can even be generalized to pseudo-Euclidean space where $vec v$ may square to zero: project $vec v$ away from $vec w$ instead of vice-versa, or if they both square to zero, take $vec v'=frac{vec v+vec w}{sqrt2}$ , $vec w'=frac{vec w-vec v}{sqrt2}$. Then $vec vwedgevec w=vec v'wedgevec w'$, and $vec v'cdotvec w'=0$.)

      But I don't know how to make each blade orthogonal to the other blades. Orthogonal means that their geometric product is their (grade 4) wedge product; all lower-grade parts are zero.
      $$B_1 + B_2 = B_1' + B_2'$$
      $$B_1'B_2' = (B_1'cdot B_2')+(B_1'times B_2')+(B_1'wedge B_2') = B_1'wedge B_2'$$
      $$B_1'cdot B_2' = 0 = B_1'times B_2'$$

      From Wikipedia: In $Lambda^2mathbb R^4$,

      "every bivector can be written as the sum of two simple bivectors. It is useful to choose two orthogonal bivectors for this, and this is always possible to do."

      Here's a simple example, with $n = 4$:
      $$B_1 = e_1wedge e_2 = e_1e_2$$
      $$B_2 = (e_1 + e_3)wedge e_4 = e_1e_4 + e_3e_4$$
      $$B = B_1 + B_2 = e_1e_2 + e_1e_4 + e_3e_4$$
      $$B_1B_2 = -e_2e_4 + e_1e_2e_3e_4$$
      $$B_1cdot B_2 = 0 neq B_1times B_2 = -e_2e_4$$

      How can I rewrite $B = B_1' + B_2'$ with $B_1'cdot B_2' = 0 = B_1'times B_2'$ ?


      After doing some algebra, I arrived at these equations:

      $$B_1' = frac{B+Q}{2}$$

      $$B_2' = frac{B-Q}{2}$$

      $$Q^2 = Bcdot B - Bwedge B$$

      $$B^2 = Qcdot Q - Qwedge Q$$

      $$Btimes Q = 0$$

      $$Bwedge Q = 0$$

      We only need to solve for $Q$ in terms of $B$. I was able to take a square root of the third equation (by guessing that $Q = xe_1e_2+ye_3e_4$) but I didn't find the specific root that satisfies the other equations.


      After doing some more algebra, I find that, if $Q$ is defined as the reflection of $B$ along some unknown vector $vneq0$,


      $$B_1=frac{v^{-1}vB+v^{-1}Bv}{2}=v^{-1}(vwedge B)$$

      $$B_2=frac{v^{-1}vB-v^{-1}Bv}{2}=v^{-1}(vcdot B)$$

      then $B_1$ and $B_2$ are blades, and $B_1cdot B_2=0$ regardless of $v$, and $B_1times B_2=0$ if and only if $vwedgebig((vcdot B)cdot Bbig)=0$. This means that $(vcdot B)cdot B$ must be parallel to $v$; in other words, $v$ is an eigenvector of the operator $(B,cdot)^2$. It follows that $vcdot B=w$ is also an eigenvector with the same eigenvalue, and $vcdot w=0$.

      Generalizing, it looks like we want to find an orthogonal set of eigenvectors $v_1,v_2,v_3,cdots$ of $(B,cdot)^2$, so that

      $$B_1=v_1^{-1}(v_1cdot B),quad B_2=v_2^{-1}(v_2cdot B),quad B_3=v_3^{-1}(v_3cdot B),quadcdots$$

      Of course, all vectors $v$ must also be orthogonal to all $w=vcdot B$.

      eigenvalues-eigenvectors orthogonality clifford-algebras geometric-algebras gram-schmidt

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      edited Dec 10 '18 at 7:04


      asked May 19 '18 at 0:55




          1 Answer






          By using one of Doran's methods involving the exponential function (link, section 2.1.1), I found a formula for bivectors in 4D:

          $$B_1 = left(frac{|Bcdot B|+sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}+Bwedge B}{2sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}}right)B$$

          $$B_2 = left(frac{-|Bcdot B|+sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}-Bwedge B}{2sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}}right)B$$

          (Obviously, this is undefined if $|Bcdot B|=lVert Bwedge BrVert$. That corresponds to an isoclinic rotation, where the two planes of rotation are not unique.)

          Applying this to the example problem,

          $$B = e_1e_2+e_1e_4+e_3e_4$$

          $$B^2 = -3 + 2e_1e_2e_3e_4;quad Bcdot B = -3,quad Bwedge B = 2e_1e_2e_3e_4$$

          $$B_1 = frac{(1+sqrt5)(e_1e_2+e_3e_4)+(3+sqrt5)e_1e_4-2e_2e_3}{2sqrt5}$$

          $$B_2 = frac{(-1+sqrt5)(e_1e_2+e_3e_4)+(-3+sqrt5)e_1e_4+2e_2e_3}{2sqrt5}$$

          $$B_1wedge B_1 = 0 = B_2wedge B_2$$

          (The vanishing wedge product means that they are actually blades, though we don't know what vectors they're made of.)

          $$B_1cdot B_2 = 0 = B_1times B_2$$

          $$B_1 + B_2 = B$$

          This is only a partial answer; it doesn't work when $|Bcdot B| = lVert Bwedge BrVert$, and I still don't know what to do in higher dimensions.

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            1 Answer












            By using one of Doran's methods involving the exponential function (link, section 2.1.1), I found a formula for bivectors in 4D:

            $$B_1 = left(frac{|Bcdot B|+sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}+Bwedge B}{2sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}}right)B$$

            $$B_2 = left(frac{-|Bcdot B|+sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}-Bwedge B}{2sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}}right)B$$

            (Obviously, this is undefined if $|Bcdot B|=lVert Bwedge BrVert$. That corresponds to an isoclinic rotation, where the two planes of rotation are not unique.)

            Applying this to the example problem,

            $$B = e_1e_2+e_1e_4+e_3e_4$$

            $$B^2 = -3 + 2e_1e_2e_3e_4;quad Bcdot B = -3,quad Bwedge B = 2e_1e_2e_3e_4$$

            $$B_1 = frac{(1+sqrt5)(e_1e_2+e_3e_4)+(3+sqrt5)e_1e_4-2e_2e_3}{2sqrt5}$$

            $$B_2 = frac{(-1+sqrt5)(e_1e_2+e_3e_4)+(-3+sqrt5)e_1e_4+2e_2e_3}{2sqrt5}$$

            $$B_1wedge B_1 = 0 = B_2wedge B_2$$

            (The vanishing wedge product means that they are actually blades, though we don't know what vectors they're made of.)

            $$B_1cdot B_2 = 0 = B_1times B_2$$

            $$B_1 + B_2 = B$$

            This is only a partial answer; it doesn't work when $|Bcdot B| = lVert Bwedge BrVert$, and I still don't know what to do in higher dimensions.

            share|cite|improve this answer




              By using one of Doran's methods involving the exponential function (link, section 2.1.1), I found a formula for bivectors in 4D:

              $$B_1 = left(frac{|Bcdot B|+sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}+Bwedge B}{2sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}}right)B$$

              $$B_2 = left(frac{-|Bcdot B|+sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}-Bwedge B}{2sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}}right)B$$

              (Obviously, this is undefined if $|Bcdot B|=lVert Bwedge BrVert$. That corresponds to an isoclinic rotation, where the two planes of rotation are not unique.)

              Applying this to the example problem,

              $$B = e_1e_2+e_1e_4+e_3e_4$$

              $$B^2 = -3 + 2e_1e_2e_3e_4;quad Bcdot B = -3,quad Bwedge B = 2e_1e_2e_3e_4$$

              $$B_1 = frac{(1+sqrt5)(e_1e_2+e_3e_4)+(3+sqrt5)e_1e_4-2e_2e_3}{2sqrt5}$$

              $$B_2 = frac{(-1+sqrt5)(e_1e_2+e_3e_4)+(-3+sqrt5)e_1e_4+2e_2e_3}{2sqrt5}$$

              $$B_1wedge B_1 = 0 = B_2wedge B_2$$

              (The vanishing wedge product means that they are actually blades, though we don't know what vectors they're made of.)

              $$B_1cdot B_2 = 0 = B_1times B_2$$

              $$B_1 + B_2 = B$$

              This is only a partial answer; it doesn't work when $|Bcdot B| = lVert Bwedge BrVert$, and I still don't know what to do in higher dimensions.

              share|cite|improve this answer






                By using one of Doran's methods involving the exponential function (link, section 2.1.1), I found a formula for bivectors in 4D:

                $$B_1 = left(frac{|Bcdot B|+sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}+Bwedge B}{2sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}}right)B$$

                $$B_2 = left(frac{-|Bcdot B|+sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}-Bwedge B}{2sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}}right)B$$

                (Obviously, this is undefined if $|Bcdot B|=lVert Bwedge BrVert$. That corresponds to an isoclinic rotation, where the two planes of rotation are not unique.)

                Applying this to the example problem,

                $$B = e_1e_2+e_1e_4+e_3e_4$$

                $$B^2 = -3 + 2e_1e_2e_3e_4;quad Bcdot B = -3,quad Bwedge B = 2e_1e_2e_3e_4$$

                $$B_1 = frac{(1+sqrt5)(e_1e_2+e_3e_4)+(3+sqrt5)e_1e_4-2e_2e_3}{2sqrt5}$$

                $$B_2 = frac{(-1+sqrt5)(e_1e_2+e_3e_4)+(-3+sqrt5)e_1e_4+2e_2e_3}{2sqrt5}$$

                $$B_1wedge B_1 = 0 = B_2wedge B_2$$

                (The vanishing wedge product means that they are actually blades, though we don't know what vectors they're made of.)

                $$B_1cdot B_2 = 0 = B_1times B_2$$

                $$B_1 + B_2 = B$$

                This is only a partial answer; it doesn't work when $|Bcdot B| = lVert Bwedge BrVert$, and I still don't know what to do in higher dimensions.

                share|cite|improve this answer


                By using one of Doran's methods involving the exponential function (link, section 2.1.1), I found a formula for bivectors in 4D:

                $$B_1 = left(frac{|Bcdot B|+sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}+Bwedge B}{2sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}}right)B$$

                $$B_2 = left(frac{-|Bcdot B|+sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}-Bwedge B}{2sqrt{|Bcdot B|^2-lVert Bwedge BrVert^2}}right)B$$

                (Obviously, this is undefined if $|Bcdot B|=lVert Bwedge BrVert$. That corresponds to an isoclinic rotation, where the two planes of rotation are not unique.)

                Applying this to the example problem,

                $$B = e_1e_2+e_1e_4+e_3e_4$$

                $$B^2 = -3 + 2e_1e_2e_3e_4;quad Bcdot B = -3,quad Bwedge B = 2e_1e_2e_3e_4$$

                $$B_1 = frac{(1+sqrt5)(e_1e_2+e_3e_4)+(3+sqrt5)e_1e_4-2e_2e_3}{2sqrt5}$$

                $$B_2 = frac{(-1+sqrt5)(e_1e_2+e_3e_4)+(-3+sqrt5)e_1e_4+2e_2e_3}{2sqrt5}$$

                $$B_1wedge B_1 = 0 = B_2wedge B_2$$

                (The vanishing wedge product means that they are actually blades, though we don't know what vectors they're made of.)

                $$B_1cdot B_2 = 0 = B_1times B_2$$

                $$B_1 + B_2 = B$$

                This is only a partial answer; it doesn't work when $|Bcdot B| = lVert Bwedge BrVert$, and I still don't know what to do in higher dimensions.

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                edited Jun 14 '18 at 5:13

                answered Jun 11 '18 at 8:49




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