Neural network from scratch in R [closed]
I am writing a neural network from scratch in r programming language and apply it on iris dataset.
d1f is a matrix of propagation error of output layer
d2f is a matrix of propagation error of hidden layer
a1,a2,a3,a4 are activation output of hidden layer
o1,o2,o3 are activation output of output layer
w1b & w2b are the matrix of weights of hidden layer and output layer respectively
j is used to store cost of each observation
till now I had written it for only single pass through the whole dataset. So only propagation error is calculated but weights will not get updated.
whenever I run this code I got an error
Error in a1(1 - a1) : could not find function "a1"
bt after termination i can see the value of a1 on the right side of R-Studio.
It seems like is d2f is not calculated what i am doing wrong.
here is the code
library("phonTools", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.5")
iris.df =data(iris)
J = vector(mode = "numeric" , length = nrow(iris.df) )
iris.df$y1 = 0
iris.df$y2 = 0
iris.df$y3 = 0
iris.df$y1[iris.df$Species =="setosa"] = 1
iris.df$y2[iris.df$Species =="versicolor"] = 1
iris.df$y3[iris.df$Species =="virginica"] = 1
w1b = matrix(rexp(20, rate=.1), ncol=5) #Declaring weights between 1st layer
w1b = wb1*0.24 - 0.12
q = c(1,1,1,1)
#w1b = cbind(q,w1b)
w2b = matrix(rexp(12, rate=.1), ncol=4)
w2b = w2b*0.24 - 0.12
q = c(1,1,1)
#w2b = cbind(q,w2b)
d1f = zeros(3,4)
d2f = zeros(4,5)
sigmoid = function(z)
sig = 1/( 1 + exp(-z) )
for (i in 1:150) {
# Forward Propagation For First Layer
a1 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[1,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[1,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[1,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[1,5] )
a2 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[2,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[2,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[2,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[2,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[2,5] )
a3 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[3,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[3,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[3,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[3,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[3,5] )
a4 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[4,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[4,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[4,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[4,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[4,5] )
#Forward Propagation For Second Layer
o1 = sigmoid( 1*w2b[1,1] + a1*w2b[1,2] + a1*w2b[1,3] + a1*w2b[1,4] )
o2 = sigmoid( 1*w2b[2,1] + a2*w2b[2,2] + a2*w2b[2,3] + a2*w2b[2,4] )
o3 = sigmoid( 1*w2b[3,1] + a3*w2b[3,2] + a3*w2b[3,3] + a3*w2b[3,4] )
#Backward Propagation For First Layer
d1f[1,1] = d1f[1,1] + o1*(1-o1) *(o1-y1[i]) #For Baised Node
d1f[2,1] = d1f[2,1] + o2*(1-o2) *(o2-y2[i]) #For Baised Node
d1f[3,1] = d1f[3,1] + o3*(1-o3) *(o3-y3[i]) #For Baised Node
d1f[1,2] = d1f[1,2] + a1*o1*(1-o1)*(o1-y1[i])
d1f[2,2] = d1f[2,2] + a1*o2*(1-o2)*(o2-y2[i])
d1f[3,2] = d1f[3,2] + a1*o3*(1-o3)*(o3-y3[i])
d1f[1,3] = d1f[1,3] + a2*o1*(1-o1)*(o1-y1[i])
d1f[2,3] = d1f[2,3] + a2*o2*(1-o2)*(o2-y2[i])
d1f[3,3] = d1f[3,3] + a2*o3*(1-o3)*(o3-y3[i])
d1f[1,4] = d1f[1,4] + a3*o1*(1-o1)*(o1-y1[i])
d1f[2,4] = d1f[2,4] + a3*o2*(1-o2)*(o2-y2[i])
d1f[3,4] = d1f[3,4] + a3*o3*(1-o3)*(o3-y3[i])
#Backward Propagation For Second Layer
d2f[1,2] = d2f[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,3] = d2f[1,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,4] = d2f[1,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,5] = d2f[1,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,1] = d2f[1,1] + a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[2,1] = d2f[2,1] + a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[3,1] = d2f[3,1] + a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[4,1] = d2f[4,1] + a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[2,2] = d2f[2,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[2,3] = d2f[2,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[2,4] = d2f[2,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[2,5] = d2f[2,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3,2] = d2f[3,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3,3] = d2f[3,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3,4] = d2f[3,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3][5] = d2f[3,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4,2] = d2f[4,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4][3] = d2f[4,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4,4] = d2f[4,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4,5] = d2f[4,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
cost = ( iris.df$y1[i] * log(o1) + (1-y1[i]) * log(1-o1) + iris.df$y2[i] * log(o2) + (1-y2[i]) * log(1-o2) + iris.df$y3[i] * log(o3) + (1-y3[i]) * log(1-o3) )/nrow(iris.df)
j[i] = cost
r machine-learning neural-network
closed as off-topic by desertnaut, Rui Barradas, AkselA, blue-phoenox, Rob Nov 24 '18 at 2:12
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- "This question was caused by a problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a manner unlikely to help future readers. This can often be avoided by identifying and closely inspecting the shortest program necessary to reproduce the problem before posting." – desertnaut, Rui Barradas, Rob
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I am writing a neural network from scratch in r programming language and apply it on iris dataset.
d1f is a matrix of propagation error of output layer
d2f is a matrix of propagation error of hidden layer
a1,a2,a3,a4 are activation output of hidden layer
o1,o2,o3 are activation output of output layer
w1b & w2b are the matrix of weights of hidden layer and output layer respectively
j is used to store cost of each observation
till now I had written it for only single pass through the whole dataset. So only propagation error is calculated but weights will not get updated.
whenever I run this code I got an error
Error in a1(1 - a1) : could not find function "a1"
bt after termination i can see the value of a1 on the right side of R-Studio.
It seems like is d2f is not calculated what i am doing wrong.
here is the code
library("phonTools", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.5")
iris.df =data(iris)
J = vector(mode = "numeric" , length = nrow(iris.df) )
iris.df$y1 = 0
iris.df$y2 = 0
iris.df$y3 = 0
iris.df$y1[iris.df$Species =="setosa"] = 1
iris.df$y2[iris.df$Species =="versicolor"] = 1
iris.df$y3[iris.df$Species =="virginica"] = 1
w1b = matrix(rexp(20, rate=.1), ncol=5) #Declaring weights between 1st layer
w1b = wb1*0.24 - 0.12
q = c(1,1,1,1)
#w1b = cbind(q,w1b)
w2b = matrix(rexp(12, rate=.1), ncol=4)
w2b = w2b*0.24 - 0.12
q = c(1,1,1)
#w2b = cbind(q,w2b)
d1f = zeros(3,4)
d2f = zeros(4,5)
sigmoid = function(z)
sig = 1/( 1 + exp(-z) )
for (i in 1:150) {
# Forward Propagation For First Layer
a1 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[1,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[1,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[1,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[1,5] )
a2 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[2,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[2,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[2,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[2,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[2,5] )
a3 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[3,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[3,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[3,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[3,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[3,5] )
a4 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[4,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[4,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[4,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[4,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[4,5] )
#Forward Propagation For Second Layer
o1 = sigmoid( 1*w2b[1,1] + a1*w2b[1,2] + a1*w2b[1,3] + a1*w2b[1,4] )
o2 = sigmoid( 1*w2b[2,1] + a2*w2b[2,2] + a2*w2b[2,3] + a2*w2b[2,4] )
o3 = sigmoid( 1*w2b[3,1] + a3*w2b[3,2] + a3*w2b[3,3] + a3*w2b[3,4] )
#Backward Propagation For First Layer
d1f[1,1] = d1f[1,1] + o1*(1-o1) *(o1-y1[i]) #For Baised Node
d1f[2,1] = d1f[2,1] + o2*(1-o2) *(o2-y2[i]) #For Baised Node
d1f[3,1] = d1f[3,1] + o3*(1-o3) *(o3-y3[i]) #For Baised Node
d1f[1,2] = d1f[1,2] + a1*o1*(1-o1)*(o1-y1[i])
d1f[2,2] = d1f[2,2] + a1*o2*(1-o2)*(o2-y2[i])
d1f[3,2] = d1f[3,2] + a1*o3*(1-o3)*(o3-y3[i])
d1f[1,3] = d1f[1,3] + a2*o1*(1-o1)*(o1-y1[i])
d1f[2,3] = d1f[2,3] + a2*o2*(1-o2)*(o2-y2[i])
d1f[3,3] = d1f[3,3] + a2*o3*(1-o3)*(o3-y3[i])
d1f[1,4] = d1f[1,4] + a3*o1*(1-o1)*(o1-y1[i])
d1f[2,4] = d1f[2,4] + a3*o2*(1-o2)*(o2-y2[i])
d1f[3,4] = d1f[3,4] + a3*o3*(1-o3)*(o3-y3[i])
#Backward Propagation For Second Layer
d2f[1,2] = d2f[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,3] = d2f[1,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,4] = d2f[1,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,5] = d2f[1,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,1] = d2f[1,1] + a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[2,1] = d2f[2,1] + a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[3,1] = d2f[3,1] + a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[4,1] = d2f[4,1] + a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[2,2] = d2f[2,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[2,3] = d2f[2,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[2,4] = d2f[2,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[2,5] = d2f[2,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3,2] = d2f[3,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3,3] = d2f[3,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3,4] = d2f[3,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3][5] = d2f[3,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4,2] = d2f[4,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4][3] = d2f[4,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4,4] = d2f[4,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4,5] = d2f[4,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
cost = ( iris.df$y1[i] * log(o1) + (1-y1[i]) * log(1-o1) + iris.df$y2[i] * log(o2) + (1-y2[i]) * log(1-o2) + iris.df$y3[i] * log(o3) + (1-y3[i]) * log(1-o3) )/nrow(iris.df)
j[i] = cost
r machine-learning neural-network
closed as off-topic by desertnaut, Rui Barradas, AkselA, blue-phoenox, Rob Nov 24 '18 at 2:12
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- "This question was caused by a problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a manner unlikely to help future readers. This can often be avoided by identifying and closely inspecting the shortest program necessary to reproduce the problem before posting." – desertnaut, Rui Barradas, Rob
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I am writing a neural network from scratch in r programming language and apply it on iris dataset.
d1f is a matrix of propagation error of output layer
d2f is a matrix of propagation error of hidden layer
a1,a2,a3,a4 are activation output of hidden layer
o1,o2,o3 are activation output of output layer
w1b & w2b are the matrix of weights of hidden layer and output layer respectively
j is used to store cost of each observation
till now I had written it for only single pass through the whole dataset. So only propagation error is calculated but weights will not get updated.
whenever I run this code I got an error
Error in a1(1 - a1) : could not find function "a1"
bt after termination i can see the value of a1 on the right side of R-Studio.
It seems like is d2f is not calculated what i am doing wrong.
here is the code
library("phonTools", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.5")
iris.df =data(iris)
J = vector(mode = "numeric" , length = nrow(iris.df) )
iris.df$y1 = 0
iris.df$y2 = 0
iris.df$y3 = 0
iris.df$y1[iris.df$Species =="setosa"] = 1
iris.df$y2[iris.df$Species =="versicolor"] = 1
iris.df$y3[iris.df$Species =="virginica"] = 1
w1b = matrix(rexp(20, rate=.1), ncol=5) #Declaring weights between 1st layer
w1b = wb1*0.24 - 0.12
q = c(1,1,1,1)
#w1b = cbind(q,w1b)
w2b = matrix(rexp(12, rate=.1), ncol=4)
w2b = w2b*0.24 - 0.12
q = c(1,1,1)
#w2b = cbind(q,w2b)
d1f = zeros(3,4)
d2f = zeros(4,5)
sigmoid = function(z)
sig = 1/( 1 + exp(-z) )
for (i in 1:150) {
# Forward Propagation For First Layer
a1 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[1,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[1,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[1,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[1,5] )
a2 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[2,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[2,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[2,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[2,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[2,5] )
a3 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[3,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[3,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[3,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[3,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[3,5] )
a4 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[4,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[4,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[4,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[4,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[4,5] )
#Forward Propagation For Second Layer
o1 = sigmoid( 1*w2b[1,1] + a1*w2b[1,2] + a1*w2b[1,3] + a1*w2b[1,4] )
o2 = sigmoid( 1*w2b[2,1] + a2*w2b[2,2] + a2*w2b[2,3] + a2*w2b[2,4] )
o3 = sigmoid( 1*w2b[3,1] + a3*w2b[3,2] + a3*w2b[3,3] + a3*w2b[3,4] )
#Backward Propagation For First Layer
d1f[1,1] = d1f[1,1] + o1*(1-o1) *(o1-y1[i]) #For Baised Node
d1f[2,1] = d1f[2,1] + o2*(1-o2) *(o2-y2[i]) #For Baised Node
d1f[3,1] = d1f[3,1] + o3*(1-o3) *(o3-y3[i]) #For Baised Node
d1f[1,2] = d1f[1,2] + a1*o1*(1-o1)*(o1-y1[i])
d1f[2,2] = d1f[2,2] + a1*o2*(1-o2)*(o2-y2[i])
d1f[3,2] = d1f[3,2] + a1*o3*(1-o3)*(o3-y3[i])
d1f[1,3] = d1f[1,3] + a2*o1*(1-o1)*(o1-y1[i])
d1f[2,3] = d1f[2,3] + a2*o2*(1-o2)*(o2-y2[i])
d1f[3,3] = d1f[3,3] + a2*o3*(1-o3)*(o3-y3[i])
d1f[1,4] = d1f[1,4] + a3*o1*(1-o1)*(o1-y1[i])
d1f[2,4] = d1f[2,4] + a3*o2*(1-o2)*(o2-y2[i])
d1f[3,4] = d1f[3,4] + a3*o3*(1-o3)*(o3-y3[i])
#Backward Propagation For Second Layer
d2f[1,2] = d2f[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,3] = d2f[1,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,4] = d2f[1,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,5] = d2f[1,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,1] = d2f[1,1] + a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[2,1] = d2f[2,1] + a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[3,1] = d2f[3,1] + a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[4,1] = d2f[4,1] + a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[2,2] = d2f[2,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[2,3] = d2f[2,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[2,4] = d2f[2,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[2,5] = d2f[2,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3,2] = d2f[3,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3,3] = d2f[3,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3,4] = d2f[3,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3][5] = d2f[3,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4,2] = d2f[4,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4][3] = d2f[4,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4,4] = d2f[4,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4,5] = d2f[4,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
cost = ( iris.df$y1[i] * log(o1) + (1-y1[i]) * log(1-o1) + iris.df$y2[i] * log(o2) + (1-y2[i]) * log(1-o2) + iris.df$y3[i] * log(o3) + (1-y3[i]) * log(1-o3) )/nrow(iris.df)
j[i] = cost
r machine-learning neural-network
I am writing a neural network from scratch in r programming language and apply it on iris dataset.
d1f is a matrix of propagation error of output layer
d2f is a matrix of propagation error of hidden layer
a1,a2,a3,a4 are activation output of hidden layer
o1,o2,o3 are activation output of output layer
w1b & w2b are the matrix of weights of hidden layer and output layer respectively
j is used to store cost of each observation
till now I had written it for only single pass through the whole dataset. So only propagation error is calculated but weights will not get updated.
whenever I run this code I got an error
Error in a1(1 - a1) : could not find function "a1"
bt after termination i can see the value of a1 on the right side of R-Studio.
It seems like is d2f is not calculated what i am doing wrong.
here is the code
library("phonTools", lib.loc="~/R/win-library/3.5")
iris.df =data(iris)
J = vector(mode = "numeric" , length = nrow(iris.df) )
iris.df$y1 = 0
iris.df$y2 = 0
iris.df$y3 = 0
iris.df$y1[iris.df$Species =="setosa"] = 1
iris.df$y2[iris.df$Species =="versicolor"] = 1
iris.df$y3[iris.df$Species =="virginica"] = 1
w1b = matrix(rexp(20, rate=.1), ncol=5) #Declaring weights between 1st layer
w1b = wb1*0.24 - 0.12
q = c(1,1,1,1)
#w1b = cbind(q,w1b)
w2b = matrix(rexp(12, rate=.1), ncol=4)
w2b = w2b*0.24 - 0.12
q = c(1,1,1)
#w2b = cbind(q,w2b)
d1f = zeros(3,4)
d2f = zeros(4,5)
sigmoid = function(z)
sig = 1/( 1 + exp(-z) )
for (i in 1:150) {
# Forward Propagation For First Layer
a1 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[1,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[1,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[1,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[1,5] )
a2 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[2,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[2,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[2,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[2,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[2,5] )
a3 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[3,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[3,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[3,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[3,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[3,5] )
a4 = sigmoid( 1*w1b[4,1] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i]*w1b[4,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i]*w1b[4,3] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i]*w1b[4,4] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i]*w1b[4,5] )
#Forward Propagation For Second Layer
o1 = sigmoid( 1*w2b[1,1] + a1*w2b[1,2] + a1*w2b[1,3] + a1*w2b[1,4] )
o2 = sigmoid( 1*w2b[2,1] + a2*w2b[2,2] + a2*w2b[2,3] + a2*w2b[2,4] )
o3 = sigmoid( 1*w2b[3,1] + a3*w2b[3,2] + a3*w2b[3,3] + a3*w2b[3,4] )
#Backward Propagation For First Layer
d1f[1,1] = d1f[1,1] + o1*(1-o1) *(o1-y1[i]) #For Baised Node
d1f[2,1] = d1f[2,1] + o2*(1-o2) *(o2-y2[i]) #For Baised Node
d1f[3,1] = d1f[3,1] + o3*(1-o3) *(o3-y3[i]) #For Baised Node
d1f[1,2] = d1f[1,2] + a1*o1*(1-o1)*(o1-y1[i])
d1f[2,2] = d1f[2,2] + a1*o2*(1-o2)*(o2-y2[i])
d1f[3,2] = d1f[3,2] + a1*o3*(1-o3)*(o3-y3[i])
d1f[1,3] = d1f[1,3] + a2*o1*(1-o1)*(o1-y1[i])
d1f[2,3] = d1f[2,3] + a2*o2*(1-o2)*(o2-y2[i])
d1f[3,3] = d1f[3,3] + a2*o3*(1-o3)*(o3-y3[i])
d1f[1,4] = d1f[1,4] + a3*o1*(1-o1)*(o1-y1[i])
d1f[2,4] = d1f[2,4] + a3*o2*(1-o2)*(o2-y2[i])
d1f[3,4] = d1f[3,4] + a3*o3*(1-o3)*(o3-y3[i])
#Backward Propagation For Second Layer
d2f[1,2] = d2f[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,3] = d2f[1,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,4] = d2f[1,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,5] = d2f[1,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[1,1] = d2f[1,1] + a1(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[2,1] = d2f[2,1] + a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[3,1] = d2f[3,1] + a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[4,1] = d2f[4,1] + a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] ) #For Biased Node
d2f[2,2] = d2f[2,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[2,3] = d2f[2,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[2,4] = d2f[2,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[2,5] = d2f[2,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a2(1-a2) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3,2] = d2f[3,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3,3] = d2f[3,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3,4] = d2f[3,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[3][5] = d2f[3,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a3(1-a3) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4,2] = d2f[4,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4][3] = d2f[4,3] + iris.df$Sepal.Width[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4,4] = d2f[4,4] + iris.df$Petal.Length[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
d2f[4,5] = d2f[4,5] + iris.df$Petal.Width[i] * a4(1-a4) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
cost = ( iris.df$y1[i] * log(o1) + (1-y1[i]) * log(1-o1) + iris.df$y2[i] * log(o2) + (1-y2[i]) * log(1-o2) + iris.df$y3[i] * log(o3) + (1-y3[i]) * log(1-o3) )/nrow(iris.df)
j[i] = cost
r machine-learning neural-network
r machine-learning neural-network
edited Nov 23 '18 at 11:46
asked Nov 23 '18 at 5:41


Siddhant Vats
closed as off-topic by desertnaut, Rui Barradas, AkselA, blue-phoenox, Rob Nov 24 '18 at 2:12
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:
- "This question was caused by a problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a manner unlikely to help future readers. This can often be avoided by identifying and closely inspecting the shortest program necessary to reproduce the problem before posting." – desertnaut, Rui Barradas, Rob
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
closed as off-topic by desertnaut, Rui Barradas, AkselA, blue-phoenox, Rob Nov 24 '18 at 2:12
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:
- "This question was caused by a problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a manner unlikely to help future readers. This can often be avoided by identifying and closely inspecting the shortest program necessary to reproduce the problem before posting." – desertnaut, Rui Barradas, Rob
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
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1 Answer
If you want to get the product of a1 and 1-a1, you explicitly have to write the '*' in between.
d2f[1,2] = d2f[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a1*(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
If you open parentheses after a1, r thinks youre referring to a function called a1, because thats the syntax for functions. The same problem is in multiple occasions of your code. You should always state the arithmetic operators you want to use.
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1 Answer
1 Answer
If you want to get the product of a1 and 1-a1, you explicitly have to write the '*' in between.
d2f[1,2] = d2f[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a1*(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
If you open parentheses after a1, r thinks youre referring to a function called a1, because thats the syntax for functions. The same problem is in multiple occasions of your code. You should always state the arithmetic operators you want to use.
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If you want to get the product of a1 and 1-a1, you explicitly have to write the '*' in between.
d2f[1,2] = d2f[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a1*(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
If you open parentheses after a1, r thinks youre referring to a function called a1, because thats the syntax for functions. The same problem is in multiple occasions of your code. You should always state the arithmetic operators you want to use.
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If you want to get the product of a1 and 1-a1, you explicitly have to write the '*' in between.
d2f[1,2] = d2f[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a1*(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
If you open parentheses after a1, r thinks youre referring to a function called a1, because thats the syntax for functions. The same problem is in multiple occasions of your code. You should always state the arithmetic operators you want to use.
If you want to get the product of a1 and 1-a1, you explicitly have to write the '*' in between.
d2f[1,2] = d2f[1,2] + iris.df$Sepal.Length[i] * a1*(1-a1) * ( (o1-y1[i])*o1*(1-o1)*w2b[1,2] + (o2-y2[i])*o2*(1-o2)*w2b[2,2] + (o3-y3[i])*o3*(1-o3)*w2b[3,2] )
If you open parentheses after a1, r thinks youre referring to a function called a1, because thats the syntax for functions. The same problem is in multiple occasions of your code. You should always state the arithmetic operators you want to use.
edited Nov 23 '18 at 7:30
answered Nov 23 '18 at 7:25
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