Is there a name for this particular type of matrix?

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Consider the following matrix structure:

M = begin{pmatrix}
a & d & c & c \
d & a & b & b \
c & b & a & e \
c & b & e & a

It is a real, symmetric matrix.
I'm looking into physical properties (spin correlations) of a model that are described by a matrix of this structure.

Qn: Does anyone recognize this matrix as any special type of matrix?

It has the following (weird) property:

Consider its inverse, $M^{-1}$. Its elements are extremely complicated, for example the (3,3) element is:

(M^{-1})_{3,3} = frac{a left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(left(a^{2} - c^{2}right) left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)}{left(left(a^{2} - c^{2}right) left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2} - left(left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(a e - c^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2}}

and the (3,4) element is:
(M^{-1})_{3,4} = - frac{a left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(a e - c^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)}{left(left(a^{2} - c^{2}right) left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2} - left(left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(a e - c^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2}}

but their difference is extremely simple:
(M^{-1})_{3,3} - (M^{-1})_{3,4} = boxed{frac{1}{a-e}}

You can use Mathematica etc. to verify.

But I realized, this is just the same as considering the (3,4) subblock:
M' = begin{pmatrix} a & e\e & a end{pmatrix}

and its inverse is trivial:
(M')^{-1} = frac{1}{(a+e)(a-e)} begin{pmatrix} a & -e\-e & a end{pmatrix}

And the difference between the diagonal and off-diagonal elements:
(M'^{-1})_{1,1} - (M'^{-1})_{1,2} = boxed{frac{1}{a-e}}

is exactly the same as before!

Is this just a coincidence or is there some justification to just considering a subblock $M'$ instead of the full $M$ when taking the inverse?

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    Consider the following matrix structure:

    M = begin{pmatrix}
    a & d & c & c \
    d & a & b & b \
    c & b & a & e \
    c & b & e & a

    It is a real, symmetric matrix.
    I'm looking into physical properties (spin correlations) of a model that are described by a matrix of this structure.

    Qn: Does anyone recognize this matrix as any special type of matrix?

    It has the following (weird) property:

    Consider its inverse, $M^{-1}$. Its elements are extremely complicated, for example the (3,3) element is:

    (M^{-1})_{3,3} = frac{a left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(left(a^{2} - c^{2}right) left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)}{left(left(a^{2} - c^{2}right) left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2} - left(left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(a e - c^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2}}

    and the (3,4) element is:
    (M^{-1})_{3,4} = - frac{a left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(a e - c^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)}{left(left(a^{2} - c^{2}right) left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2} - left(left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(a e - c^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2}}

    but their difference is extremely simple:
    (M^{-1})_{3,3} - (M^{-1})_{3,4} = boxed{frac{1}{a-e}}

    You can use Mathematica etc. to verify.

    But I realized, this is just the same as considering the (3,4) subblock:
    M' = begin{pmatrix} a & e\e & a end{pmatrix}

    and its inverse is trivial:
    (M')^{-1} = frac{1}{(a+e)(a-e)} begin{pmatrix} a & -e\-e & a end{pmatrix}

    And the difference between the diagonal and off-diagonal elements:
    (M'^{-1})_{1,1} - (M'^{-1})_{1,2} = boxed{frac{1}{a-e}}

    is exactly the same as before!

    Is this just a coincidence or is there some justification to just considering a subblock $M'$ instead of the full $M$ when taking the inverse?

    share|cite|improve this question

      up vote
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      down vote



      Consider the following matrix structure:

      M = begin{pmatrix}
      a & d & c & c \
      d & a & b & b \
      c & b & a & e \
      c & b & e & a

      It is a real, symmetric matrix.
      I'm looking into physical properties (spin correlations) of a model that are described by a matrix of this structure.

      Qn: Does anyone recognize this matrix as any special type of matrix?

      It has the following (weird) property:

      Consider its inverse, $M^{-1}$. Its elements are extremely complicated, for example the (3,3) element is:

      (M^{-1})_{3,3} = frac{a left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(left(a^{2} - c^{2}right) left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)}{left(left(a^{2} - c^{2}right) left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2} - left(left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(a e - c^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2}}

      and the (3,4) element is:
      (M^{-1})_{3,4} = - frac{a left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(a e - c^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)}{left(left(a^{2} - c^{2}right) left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2} - left(left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(a e - c^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2}}

      but their difference is extremely simple:
      (M^{-1})_{3,3} - (M^{-1})_{3,4} = boxed{frac{1}{a-e}}

      You can use Mathematica etc. to verify.

      But I realized, this is just the same as considering the (3,4) subblock:
      M' = begin{pmatrix} a & e\e & a end{pmatrix}

      and its inverse is trivial:
      (M')^{-1} = frac{1}{(a+e)(a-e)} begin{pmatrix} a & -e\-e & a end{pmatrix}

      And the difference between the diagonal and off-diagonal elements:
      (M'^{-1})_{1,1} - (M'^{-1})_{1,2} = boxed{frac{1}{a-e}}

      is exactly the same as before!

      Is this just a coincidence or is there some justification to just considering a subblock $M'$ instead of the full $M$ when taking the inverse?

      share|cite|improve this question

      Consider the following matrix structure:

      M = begin{pmatrix}
      a & d & c & c \
      d & a & b & b \
      c & b & a & e \
      c & b & e & a

      It is a real, symmetric matrix.
      I'm looking into physical properties (spin correlations) of a model that are described by a matrix of this structure.

      Qn: Does anyone recognize this matrix as any special type of matrix?

      It has the following (weird) property:

      Consider its inverse, $M^{-1}$. Its elements are extremely complicated, for example the (3,3) element is:

      (M^{-1})_{3,3} = frac{a left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(left(a^{2} - c^{2}right) left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)}{left(left(a^{2} - c^{2}right) left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2} - left(left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(a e - c^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2}}

      and the (3,4) element is:
      (M^{-1})_{3,4} = - frac{a left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(a e - c^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)}{left(left(a^{2} - c^{2}right) left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2} - left(left(a^{2} - d^{2}right) left(a e - c^{2}right) - left(a b - c dright)^{2}right)^{2}}

      but their difference is extremely simple:
      (M^{-1})_{3,3} - (M^{-1})_{3,4} = boxed{frac{1}{a-e}}

      You can use Mathematica etc. to verify.

      But I realized, this is just the same as considering the (3,4) subblock:
      M' = begin{pmatrix} a & e\e & a end{pmatrix}

      and its inverse is trivial:
      (M')^{-1} = frac{1}{(a+e)(a-e)} begin{pmatrix} a & -e\-e & a end{pmatrix}

      And the difference between the diagonal and off-diagonal elements:
      (M'^{-1})_{1,1} - (M'^{-1})_{1,2} = boxed{frac{1}{a-e}}

      is exactly the same as before!

      Is this just a coincidence or is there some justification to just considering a subblock $M'$ instead of the full $M$ when taking the inverse?

      linear-algebra matrices inverse block-matrices

      share|cite|improve this question

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      share|cite|improve this question

      asked Oct 22 at 19:03




          1 Answer




          up vote
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          I don't know the physics, but the phenomenon you described can be explained mathematically as follows. Suppose $M$ is an invertible matrix of the form $pmatrix{X&pv^T\ uq^T&Z}$, where $X,Z$ are invertible matrices of the same sizes and $p,q,u,v$ are some vectors. Then $M^{-1}$ is in the form of $pmatrix{ast&ast\ ast&S^{-1}}$, where
          S=Z-(uq^T)X^{-1}(pv^T)=Z-beta uv^T

          is the Schur complement of $Z$ in $X$ and $beta (=q^TX^{-1}p)$ is some scalar. Since $S$ is a rank-$1$ modifiction of $Z$, by Sherman-Morrison formula, $S^{-1}$ is also a rank-$1$ modification of $Z^{-1}$, with
          =Z^{-1}+frac{beta Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}}{1+beta v^TZ^{-1}u}
          =Z^{-1}+gamma Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}tag{1}

          for some scalar $gamma (=beta/(1+beta v^TZ^{-1}u))$.

          In your case, $Z=pmatrix{a&e\ e&a}$ and $u=v=pmatrix{1\ 1}$. Therefore all elements of $Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}$ are identical to each other. It follows from $(1)$ that $S^{-1}$ is obtained by shifting the entries of $Z^{-1}$ by the same constant. Therefore $

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • Wow, that's amazing. Thank you.
            – ksgj1
            Oct 23 at 0:09

          • Can I double check the Sherman-Morrison formula. Should it not be $Z^{-1} + frac{...}{1-...}$? because here $S = Z - beta u v^T$, not $S = Z+beta u v^T$. (I'm comparing directly to the wiki page you linked)
            – ksgj1
            Nov 24 at 3:27

          • @ksgj1 Yes, fixed now. Thanks for catching the typo.
            – user1551
            Nov 24 at 6:27

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          up vote
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          I don't know the physics, but the phenomenon you described can be explained mathematically as follows. Suppose $M$ is an invertible matrix of the form $pmatrix{X&pv^T\ uq^T&Z}$, where $X,Z$ are invertible matrices of the same sizes and $p,q,u,v$ are some vectors. Then $M^{-1}$ is in the form of $pmatrix{ast&ast\ ast&S^{-1}}$, where
          S=Z-(uq^T)X^{-1}(pv^T)=Z-beta uv^T

          is the Schur complement of $Z$ in $X$ and $beta (=q^TX^{-1}p)$ is some scalar. Since $S$ is a rank-$1$ modifiction of $Z$, by Sherman-Morrison formula, $S^{-1}$ is also a rank-$1$ modification of $Z^{-1}$, with
          =Z^{-1}+frac{beta Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}}{1+beta v^TZ^{-1}u}
          =Z^{-1}+gamma Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}tag{1}

          for some scalar $gamma (=beta/(1+beta v^TZ^{-1}u))$.

          In your case, $Z=pmatrix{a&e\ e&a}$ and $u=v=pmatrix{1\ 1}$. Therefore all elements of $Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}$ are identical to each other. It follows from $(1)$ that $S^{-1}$ is obtained by shifting the entries of $Z^{-1}$ by the same constant. Therefore $

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • Wow, that's amazing. Thank you.
            – ksgj1
            Oct 23 at 0:09

          • Can I double check the Sherman-Morrison formula. Should it not be $Z^{-1} + frac{...}{1-...}$? because here $S = Z - beta u v^T$, not $S = Z+beta u v^T$. (I'm comparing directly to the wiki page you linked)
            – ksgj1
            Nov 24 at 3:27

          • @ksgj1 Yes, fixed now. Thanks for catching the typo.
            – user1551
            Nov 24 at 6:27

          up vote
          down vote


          I don't know the physics, but the phenomenon you described can be explained mathematically as follows. Suppose $M$ is an invertible matrix of the form $pmatrix{X&pv^T\ uq^T&Z}$, where $X,Z$ are invertible matrices of the same sizes and $p,q,u,v$ are some vectors. Then $M^{-1}$ is in the form of $pmatrix{ast&ast\ ast&S^{-1}}$, where
          S=Z-(uq^T)X^{-1}(pv^T)=Z-beta uv^T

          is the Schur complement of $Z$ in $X$ and $beta (=q^TX^{-1}p)$ is some scalar. Since $S$ is a rank-$1$ modifiction of $Z$, by Sherman-Morrison formula, $S^{-1}$ is also a rank-$1$ modification of $Z^{-1}$, with
          =Z^{-1}+frac{beta Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}}{1+beta v^TZ^{-1}u}
          =Z^{-1}+gamma Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}tag{1}

          for some scalar $gamma (=beta/(1+beta v^TZ^{-1}u))$.

          In your case, $Z=pmatrix{a&e\ e&a}$ and $u=v=pmatrix{1\ 1}$. Therefore all elements of $Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}$ are identical to each other. It follows from $(1)$ that $S^{-1}$ is obtained by shifting the entries of $Z^{-1}$ by the same constant. Therefore $

          share|cite|improve this answer

          • Wow, that's amazing. Thank you.
            – ksgj1
            Oct 23 at 0:09

          • Can I double check the Sherman-Morrison formula. Should it not be $Z^{-1} + frac{...}{1-...}$? because here $S = Z - beta u v^T$, not $S = Z+beta u v^T$. (I'm comparing directly to the wiki page you linked)
            – ksgj1
            Nov 24 at 3:27

          • @ksgj1 Yes, fixed now. Thanks for catching the typo.
            – user1551
            Nov 24 at 6:27

          up vote
          down vote


          up vote
          down vote


          I don't know the physics, but the phenomenon you described can be explained mathematically as follows. Suppose $M$ is an invertible matrix of the form $pmatrix{X&pv^T\ uq^T&Z}$, where $X,Z$ are invertible matrices of the same sizes and $p,q,u,v$ are some vectors. Then $M^{-1}$ is in the form of $pmatrix{ast&ast\ ast&S^{-1}}$, where
          S=Z-(uq^T)X^{-1}(pv^T)=Z-beta uv^T

          is the Schur complement of $Z$ in $X$ and $beta (=q^TX^{-1}p)$ is some scalar. Since $S$ is a rank-$1$ modifiction of $Z$, by Sherman-Morrison formula, $S^{-1}$ is also a rank-$1$ modification of $Z^{-1}$, with
          =Z^{-1}+frac{beta Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}}{1+beta v^TZ^{-1}u}
          =Z^{-1}+gamma Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}tag{1}

          for some scalar $gamma (=beta/(1+beta v^TZ^{-1}u))$.

          In your case, $Z=pmatrix{a&e\ e&a}$ and $u=v=pmatrix{1\ 1}$. Therefore all elements of $Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}$ are identical to each other. It follows from $(1)$ that $S^{-1}$ is obtained by shifting the entries of $Z^{-1}$ by the same constant. Therefore $

          share|cite|improve this answer

          I don't know the physics, but the phenomenon you described can be explained mathematically as follows. Suppose $M$ is an invertible matrix of the form $pmatrix{X&pv^T\ uq^T&Z}$, where $X,Z$ are invertible matrices of the same sizes and $p,q,u,v$ are some vectors. Then $M^{-1}$ is in the form of $pmatrix{ast&ast\ ast&S^{-1}}$, where
          S=Z-(uq^T)X^{-1}(pv^T)=Z-beta uv^T

          is the Schur complement of $Z$ in $X$ and $beta (=q^TX^{-1}p)$ is some scalar. Since $S$ is a rank-$1$ modifiction of $Z$, by Sherman-Morrison formula, $S^{-1}$ is also a rank-$1$ modification of $Z^{-1}$, with
          =Z^{-1}+frac{beta Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}}{1+beta v^TZ^{-1}u}
          =Z^{-1}+gamma Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}tag{1}

          for some scalar $gamma (=beta/(1+beta v^TZ^{-1}u))$.

          In your case, $Z=pmatrix{a&e\ e&a}$ and $u=v=pmatrix{1\ 1}$. Therefore all elements of $Z^{-1}uv^TZ^{-1}$ are identical to each other. It follows from $(1)$ that $S^{-1}$ is obtained by shifting the entries of $Z^{-1}$ by the same constant. Therefore $

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

          edited Nov 24 at 6:27

          answered Oct 22 at 22:00




          • Wow, that's amazing. Thank you.
            – ksgj1
            Oct 23 at 0:09

          • Can I double check the Sherman-Morrison formula. Should it not be $Z^{-1} + frac{...}{1-...}$? because here $S = Z - beta u v^T$, not $S = Z+beta u v^T$. (I'm comparing directly to the wiki page you linked)
            – ksgj1
            Nov 24 at 3:27

          • @ksgj1 Yes, fixed now. Thanks for catching the typo.
            – user1551
            Nov 24 at 6:27

          • Wow, that's amazing. Thank you.
            – ksgj1
            Oct 23 at 0:09

          • Can I double check the Sherman-Morrison formula. Should it not be $Z^{-1} + frac{...}{1-...}$? because here $S = Z - beta u v^T$, not $S = Z+beta u v^T$. (I'm comparing directly to the wiki page you linked)
            – ksgj1
            Nov 24 at 3:27

          • @ksgj1 Yes, fixed now. Thanks for catching the typo.
            – user1551
            Nov 24 at 6:27

          Wow, that's amazing. Thank you.
          – ksgj1
          Oct 23 at 0:09

          Wow, that's amazing. Thank you.
          – ksgj1
          Oct 23 at 0:09

          Can I double check the Sherman-Morrison formula. Should it not be $Z^{-1} + frac{...}{1-...}$? because here $S = Z - beta u v^T$, not $S = Z+beta u v^T$. (I'm comparing directly to the wiki page you linked)
          – ksgj1
          Nov 24 at 3:27

          Can I double check the Sherman-Morrison formula. Should it not be $Z^{-1} + frac{...}{1-...}$? because here $S = Z - beta u v^T$, not $S = Z+beta u v^T$. (I'm comparing directly to the wiki page you linked)
          – ksgj1
          Nov 24 at 3:27

          @ksgj1 Yes, fixed now. Thanks for catching the typo.
          – user1551
          Nov 24 at 6:27

          @ksgj1 Yes, fixed now. Thanks for catching the typo.
          – user1551
          Nov 24 at 6:27

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